Just Fine

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I was just changing into my pajamas, getting ready for bed, when suddenly a sharp pain ran through my stomach and my clothes were soaked. "Ray!" I yelled, unable to move. He and Henry ran in, and he rushed to me. "The baby... she's coming!" I said, then cried out as another pain cut through me. "Oh god. Henry, will you grab that bag over there? We gotta get to the hospital." Ray said, lifting me into his arms. Ray sat me in the passenger seat of his car, and Henry got in the back with our prepared bag as Ray got in the driver's side.

He sped to the hospital, trying to keep me calm as I was hit with more and more pain. "Almost there honey... We're almost there." he said, holding my hand. One good thing about my husband being indestructible, was I could squeeze his hand as tightly as I needed to. Which turned out to be quite a bit tonight.

When we got to the hospital, Ray lifted me and carried me inside. "Can someone help? Our baby is coming!" he said. Immediately, nurses were rushing forward to us and I was placed on a gurney. "How far apart are the contractions?" one asked. "Um, about two minutes now." Ray said. "Oh she's ready." another nurse said. "Good luck guys!" I heard Henry call. He had to wait out in the waiting room while Ray and I were taken back.

It took hours!

Hours of crying, and screaming, and pushing, Ray stayed as close as he could without being in the actual bed with me, and kept a tight hold on my hand. "You're doing good, sweetheart. So good. Just a little more." he said, kissing the side of my head. It was the most painful thing I had ever felt, but finally, at four in the morning, I heard a tiny cry. I only caught a quick glimpse as she was taken away to be cleaned, and after I was cleaned up and calmed down, she was placed in my arms. I cried more tears than I ever had in the last nine months as I looked down at the tiny human in my arms. I kissed her forehead as she started to cry again, "I know baby girl, I know. Thanks for finally coming out." I laughed. Ray kissed my head, and he gently stroked her tiny face as she calmed down.

"So, what's her name?" a nurse asked. Ray smiled, "Amaya... Amaya Jace Manchester." he said. The nurse smiled, "That's beautiful." she replied.

While Amaya was taken to the nursery, Ray and I were taken to our room so I could get some sleep. I slept for a little while, until Amaya was brought in for us. I smiled as she was gently placed in Ray's arms, and he cried as he looked down at her. "Hey baby... My beautiful little baby..." he gently kissed her forehead, "I promise, I am never going to let anything bad happen to you. I love you so much."

"Can you believe we made something so amazing?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head, "She's so beautiful." he said. "She has your eyes." I told him. "She looks like you though." he replied. I smiled and then looked at the clock. It was almost six a.m.  now. "Are the kids here?" I asked. "Henry was calling everyone when we were brought back." Ray replied, handing Amaya to me. "I can go see if they're here." he said. He kissed my forehead, then made to move for the door. But it opened before he did and a nurse walked in with our  little family behind her. "Feel like having company?" she asked. Both of us nodded and in walked Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, and Shwoz. "Hey guys." Ray said. "Hey. How are you feeling?" Charlotte asked. "I'm tired and sore, but I'm alright." I said. "She's adorable." Jasper said. "Can I hold her?" Henry asked, stepping forward a little. "Of course." I said. I sat up and gently handed the sleeping baby to Henry, who smiled down at her. "Oh my god. She's so tiny." he said, "What's her name?"

"Amaya." I said. "Amaya Jace." Ray added, smiling at Henry. "Jace? That's... that's my middle name." Henry said, his smile growing. He looked back at Amaya, "You're so precious, yes you are. I already love her so much." he said. I laughed.

They stayed all day, until the nurse came in and told them that visiting hours were over and they could come back tomorrow. "No one leaves without hugs. Come 'ere." I said. I got my hugs from everyone, and they promised they'd be back tomorrow before walking out. Ray tried to get comfortable in his plastic chair, but failed. "Come here." I said, moving over on the bed. He climbed in and I curled up against his side as he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, so much." Ray said, tilting my face up to look at me. I kissed him and laid my head on his shoulder as I closed my eyes.

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