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Sorry this isn't an update.

I just wanted to let you guys know how grateful I am that this story has so many reads and votes. I honestly never expected it to be so liked and you guys blow my mind with your support of it. Which is why it kills me to end it. I'm going to try for an even 40 chapters, I just feel like Ray and Alyssa's story is finished. I don't know how much trouble they could actually get into, they've been through a ton and I think it's finally time for them to be done with all the trouble.

I thank all of you who have this story in your libraries and reading lists, and all of you who have voted and/or commented. I was so nervous starting this story, as I am with all of the stories I start, I know I have things I need to work on with my writing. I know that the chapters I publish are not always the best, but because of you guys I choose to keep at it and try to write the best chapters I can for you guys to enjoy.

I hope you guys enjoy the last chapters I have in store for you.


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