Chapter 15-They're just jealous because you mean more to me then they do

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I got on the plane and looked out the window as we were starting to take off. "Goodbye Gloucester. Goodbye Jess." I whispered. I put my ear phones and started to listen to music, the first song I chose to play was Soldier by Before You Exit. I slowly started to drift to sleep as Nathan already was. This is going to be a long ride.

I woke up to the polite talking. "We will be landing in 5 minutes. Fasten your seat belts and please shut off all electronics. Thankyou." Wow. I slept through the whole flight! I'm proud! I shut my phone off and slowly grabbed Nathan's trying not to wake him up and trying to shut it off. His head snapped up off of my shoulder. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm shutting off your phone. We are landing in 5 minutes babe." He looked at me for about a minute. The quickly kissed me. I laughed. "Dork." I kissed him back. "I need to warn you, there is going to be a lot of fans at the airport. Just to let you know. Ignore anything they say. Unless its good." I don't really get why they know about Nathan and I. Like we didn't even announce it in twitter yet. The only possible thing is the concert... and... his tweet. Makes sense. Nathan said to me. We walked off the plane and saw a ton of fans. I tried avoiding them just In case they were going to hate on me. I really didn't feel like getting hated on. It's way to early to even care though. All of the fans ran to Nathan and pushed me over. I sighed. Nathan ran over to me and helped pick me up. "I'm just going to grab out bags." I said. "No. Lizzy. I'll go with you. Just wait." "It's fine really! I'll get them myself!" I said and started walking away. As soon as I was walking away I felt something grab me. "Let me go Nathan! I'm going to get our bags." I screamed. "Noooooo!" He said back and giggled. Fans were giving us dirty looks as I'm trying to walk which is failing and Nathan has his has around my waist. Can these fans like seriously not? He's trying to be happy for once... don't ruin it for him. Like it's ever going to be you. "Just let me get the bags Babe. I got them. Spend time with your fans." I said. "Uhhh. Fine. Be careful." He said back and kissed me. "I will!" I quickly ran over to where the bags come off. I was swearing under my breath about how rude the fans are... I mean seriously? Show a little respect man. I was still in sight of Nath. He kept his eyes on me though. Mine and Nath's bags were the only ones left so I quickly grabbed them and walked back to Nathan. "I'm fine. See?" I said and spun around to show him that I was in great condition . "Gladly." He said back and kissed me. Again with the dirty looks, rolling eyes, snobby comments... God damn bitches. "Okay girls, I need to go back to the flat with the boys! I'll see you later!" He said and walked away. He took his bag from me and put it in one hand and laced his fingers In between mine with the other hand. "Why didn't you want me to go get the bags alone?" I asked. "Truthfully, I am very uncomfortable leaving you alone. I don't like it. I don't like the fact that someone could hurt you. I don't like that you could get taken far away from me." He answered. "Awh. I'm sorry." "It's fine. Now you know though." I didn't answer him after that. "Is something wrong? Ever since we got off the plane you started to get sad." He said. "Nahh. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. But I just miss Jess. And all the concerts we go to. Already. Uhhh. And the fans that knocked me over showed that they really fucking care." I said. "They're just jealous because you mean more to me then they do." My jaw dropped. Meaning more than his fans is a lot.

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You enjoying so far? I think I'm doing pretty good for my first! Please comment and support please!:D Xxx

Question of the day- what's your favorite emoji?

Answer- I like the monkey covering it's eyes. 🙈


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