Chapter 23- The Quadruple Date!

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So after meeting Nina on Saturday I realised how fun she was and was really looking forward to the date tonight with everyone. In a few minutes Nina, Kelsey&Neeresha will be over to start getting ready. I looked at the dress I had bought with them and smiled because of how much fun we had that night. I was really happy that they took me in and was able to accept me. I know I only met the girls a couple days ago, but we have this bond that makes us really close. Like we all have something in common. Just then Nathan walked in our room and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled. "So how's that eye doing? I see that the black is gone." I immediately felt guilty. Should I tell him about what's going on? Or will I cause harm to Nathan and I? He can keep a secret. I know he can. I have to tell him. Just not now. "It's actually really good. Doesn't hurt anymore. Not bruised." I looked up and smiled at him. "The girls are waiting on the coach for you." He kissed my cheek and walked away. I ran downstairs and saw all the girls with their dresses in plastic bags wearing just sweatpants and hair up. They each carried a mini duffle bag with their makeup and hair product in it. I smiled at them and waved for them to come upstairs. Yes, an hour+ of all girls just hanging out and getting ready. "So Lizzy, how's it going with Nathan?" Nina asked. Neeresha giggled and Kelsey ooooed. I laughed. "It's going really well actually. Saturday was really fun. I think he secretly enjoyed the rides" I giggled a little as I plugged my curling iron in my wall. I grabbed a E.L.F. makeup pallet and picked out a pretty shade of pink to wear and some silver sparkly eyeliner. After I was done applying my makeup, my curler was ready to be used. I let my loose curls fall down and braided my bangs to the side. For jewellery i wore dangly earrings, my stupid locket, and a silver cuff. I looked over to see Nina, who had a light blue eyeshadow on going to a dark blue eyeshadow and pink ombré lip stick too. For her hair she straightened it and pulled it to the side with a white headband. She had diamond earrings in, a necklace that said love in cursive&a bunch of bracelets. She looked really nice. I don't really know what any of the girls dresses look like yet, because they are all in a bag. Each are hung up in separate parts of my room. I saw Kelsey focusing on her hair. She was fishtail braiding it and putting it into a spiral bun. It's pretty hard to do if you want it to look good and have it look perfectly clean without having hair picking out. When she finished she put on a silver and diamond bracelet, camera necklace and camera earrings. Then a hand bag that looked like a camera. She must really like photography. For makeup she just had a light pink eyeshadow on with a light purple eyeliner. I looked over at Neeresha who had done a dark shade of purple eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara on. She looked confused on what to do with her hair. "Neeresha, do you need help with your hair?" I asked. He let out a frustrated groan and nodded. I stood up and sat next to her. "I'll do it." I looked at smiled. "But don't you need to get ready?" she asked. "I'm already done. I have your back girl. She looked at me and smiled. I had her sit down on my stool by my vanity. I knew just what I was going to do. I waterfall braided her hair and curled her hair. It looked really good on her. I was proud of something I did for once. She gasped. "Lizzy! It looks so good! How did you learn to do hair so well?!" I blushed a little. "It's always been a big dream of mine. I went to a school for cosmetology for a while. I've always wanted to be a stylist for celebrities. Or for photo shoots. Stuff like that." I smiled. "Well, you know my friend and I have a dance studio. Whenever we have performances you can do the girls hair and makeup!" Kelsey said. I smiled like a fool. "That's great!" I was mentally doing a happy dance inside. When I was done freaking out I noticed Neeresha was putting on jewellery. She had flower earrings in, a necklace she said Siva have to her, and a silver cuff just like mine. When we were all ready we helped each other get into our dresses. Nina's dress was long and light blue with a little bit of dark blue in it. It was strapless with the exception of a piece of fabric draping over her shoulder. She had silver pumps to go along with it that had little gems on them. (Nina's Outfit- then there was Kelsey's dress. It was gorgeous. It was long&stripped with purple and pink. It had a belt of silver beads also. She wore Black and Tan wedges with it. It looked really cute. (Kelsey's Outfit- then we had to help Neeresha in her dress. He dress was a dark purple with one patch of gems on the right side&wore black pumps with the dress. (Neeresha's outfit- on me I just wore a pink layered high to low dress with black high heels and a white pea coat. I felt a bit under dressed compared to these girls but we all looked pretty damn good! (Lizzy's outfit- I'm not one of those types of people to be very dressy but the boys were taking us to a very expensive and good quality restaurant. You have to have reservations way ahead of time for it and if you're underdressed they won't let you in. When we were all dressed and ready to go we took a couple pictures and walked down the stairs. All the boys mouths dropped which caused all of us to laugh.

*The Date*

We all decided to walk since it wasn't that far.... Although our feet were killing us. I did feel really bad for Jay because he is home alone right now doing God knows what. I was walking hand in hand with Nathan and I felt him squeeze my hand and pull me closer. I knew something was wrong... I looked over in an alley and guys were drunk sitting there calling girls over. "HEY BABY" One slurred to me. Nathan wrapped his arms around me. "No need to do that bro, I can take her off your hands" the same one slurred and started walking towards us. Tom clinched his jaw. I felt a grip on my arm and suddenly lost my balance and was out of Nathan's grasp. I let out a scream as the drunk picked me up and started running in the alley with me. I was kicking and screaming trying to break through. I kept thinking. I know Nathan will come I know he will. The next thing I knew I was thrown to the ground. Tears were pouring down my face. Then I heard something bash against the wall. Then felt arms wrap around me. I looked up to see it was Nathan. "Oh thank god" I sobbed into his shirt trying not to ruin my makeup. I looked over to see Tom beating the shit out of the one guy. "Don't ever fucking touch her again. You hear me?" Tom's really tough. I don't know how he is that tough. I could never be willing to do that to someone. The guy nodded and whimpered. We walked away and walked back to the girls and Max, and Siva. The first thing I did was make sure I still looked alright. Kelsey pulled out some mascara and fixed my makeup, while Neeresha fixed the ruffles on my dress and got a few dirt spots off. After that I looked good as new. I leaned over to Kelsey. "How is Tom spotless right now?" "I told him if he got dirty I would kill him. He's hard to keep clean." We both laughed. I walked back over to Nathan who was just walking in the back looking upset. I smiled to him. "What's wrong baby?" He looked up and grabbed my hand. "I should've never let that bastard take you. Let alone carry you away in some alley." I frowned. "It wasn't your fault. I lost balance and fell. All that I know is that you came to the rescue and saved me. You're my hero." I said and kissed him. We got to the restaurant called "the Expectations" and were aloud in, because of how popular The Wanted are... or because we looked nice. I walked inside and my mouth dropped. It was unbelievable. They had a photographer there that took pictures of ever couple that walked in. Nathan and I went up to it and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We both smiled. When we got the picture I looked at it and smiled. It was really nice. I put it in my wallet to save it forever. After we were all done with pictures we went to the desk. "George for 8 please" he looked at Nina and smiled. "Ah! Yes! Mr. George and party for 7:00 come this way!" We were seated at a nice excluded table. More like V.I.P. lounge. Damn. It was ridiculous what some of the stuff on the menu was. Lobster? Crab? Calamari... Yumm. When it was time to order I ordered calamari with a baked potato and champagne. The rest of the night was just perfect.


So this is my first chapter to have drama in it.🙈 thank you all for reading and please tell other TWFanmily members that might like this fanfic! Spread the wordd!(: also feel free to comment and vote. Happy St. Patrick's day y'all!😘

Question of the day- when's your birthday?(:

Answer- June 9th! Does anyone have the same birthday as me?(:


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