Fandom pet peeves

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Hey these are just some things that annoy me in the fandom I'm bored so I was like hey I wonder if the same things annoy my readers

1: Misspelling of names. ITS EREN! NOT ERIN! NOT AARON! E-R-E-N!!!!!! I don't even know why this annoys me so much though

2: the ship wars. Yes I know I make fun of Ereri a lot but I make fun of the other ships too heck I make fun of my OTP a bunch. But its annoying when you're reading someone's reactions to a ship and then someone decides to freak out because the author doesn't ship the same ship. Calm down. You ship who you wanna ship, I'll ship who I wanna ship.

3: The official art. Go to Google images and look up attack on titan official art. THEY HAVE TIME TO BE DOING THAT CRAP BUT DONT HAVE TIME TO GIVE US SEASON 2!? But seriously some of it is ridiculous while some of it is absolutely awesome/adorable. (I like the ones of my girl Hanji)

4: Fan art. I am not the best artist that has ever walked the face of this earth. There are soooooo many more people better than me. And I absolutely LOVE fan art! I love it so much! I like fan art so much that it starts to annoy me. I'm like, why can't I draw that good. Or, why are his eyes yellow they're blue gosh darnit. So then I get inspired to go draw, mess up, then get back on my tablet to keep looking at fan art

5: When people say that manga Hanji is male. Okay, ISAYAMA HIMSELF SAID THAT HANJI'S GENDER IS UP TO THE READER SO DO NOT BE LIKE 'OH THEY SHOULDVE KEPT HANJI MALE IN THE ANIME' NO HER GENDER ISNT SPECIFIED IN THE MANGA!!! (I know I use she/her with Hanji because I think she's a she in both but I honestly don't care about which gender she really is in the manga I just want Hanji to still be alive bruh)

Okay I'm done ranting. Let me know some of your pet peeves in the commemts

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