Ereri one shot

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Eren was sitting in his room one evening, thinking about his captain. He wondered if Levi would ever return the same feelings as him. Eren never expected to fall in love with an adult, but that was fate, he guessed

Eren heard a knock at his door. "Come in," he called out.

Captain Levi opened the door and poked his head in. "Eren, could I borrow you for a minute?"

Eren almost jumped out of his chair. "Yes! Uh, yes. Yes sir!"

"Huh, never met someone more enthusiastic to help me," Levi said. "Oh well, come on."

Eren followed the Captain down a hallway to his bedroom. Eren felt his face get hot and he hoped that Levi couldn't see him blushing.

"Take that duster, Eren"

"Y-yes sir!"

"I'm too short to reach that shelf, so clean it for me"

Eren felt disappointed. Levi didnt feel the same way?

"Oh," he said, looking down.

"Ah, you suddenly sound disappointed," Levi chuckled. "What, did you think I wanted you in bed or something? Silly brat."

Eren frowned. "N-no!" Eren sighed and began to dust off the shelf.

The End.


(I wrote a NOTP one shot. You all should be proud.)

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