Spin the bottle (this should end well)

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Eren: okay so since Joce is making us play this game, let's gather around

Jean: do we really have to play? I mean, whats she gonna do if we refuse (Jeans mouth is replaced with a horse mouth)

Eren: that. She can do that. She's the Author-chan.

Everyone: (sits in circle)

Armin: oooh I'll go first! (Spins bottle) (lands on Sasha)

Sasha: huh!?

Armin: uh...

Levi: just kiss Potato girl, you coward

Armin: (kisses Sasha on the cheek)

Eren: it was supposed to be on the lips but whatever. My turn! (Spins the bottle) (lands on Levi)

Levi: no. (Stands up) no. (Walks over to window) no. (Opens window) no. (Jumps out of window) NO!!!

Eren: okay then...

Mikasa: I'll kiss you instea--

Jean: Neigh neigh! (My turn!) (Spins bottle) (lands on Eren) NEIGH! (F**K)

Eren: get your horse lips away from me!

Jean: NEIGH NEIGH!!!! (SCREW YOU!!!!) (kisses Eren)

Mikasa: (gets nose bleed)

Levi: (walks back in) (turns around and walks back out)

Connie: why are they still kissing?

Armin: uh guys?

Mikasa: (gets idea for her next fanfic)

Eren: (pulls away and punches Jean) GEEZ I NEVER THOUGHT MY FIRST KISS WOULD BE WITH A HORSE!!!


Mikasa: (sigh) My turn (spins bottle) (Lands on Hanji)

Hanji: um...

Mikasa: oh...

Hanji: this will be awkward....

Mikasa: yeah... (Moves in for kiss)

Levi: (comes in out of nowhere) (bats Mikasa out of the universe) MINE!

Hanji: heheheh thanks Levi....

Levi: tch I guess its my turn (spins bottle.) (Lands on Armin)

Levi: (breaks bottle in half and throws it out the window.) We're done playing this.

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