Hanji: (runs in) TOAST FOR YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!
Jean: (gets toast thrown at him)
Eren: (catches toast in mouth)
Armin: (gets hit in the head with toast then gets knocked out of the universe) AHHHHHhhhhhhh.....
Erwin: WhAT tiS THE mEaNIng of THiS!!!?!?!??????!!!
Hanji: Toast.
Erwin: ToAst?
Hanji: Toast!
Erwin: ToSTa!?
Hanji: no, TOAST!!!!
Italy: PASTAAA!!!!
Erwin: PASTA TOAST!!!!
Everyone: (applauds Erwin)
Erwin: (bows) thank you (bows) thank you (throws kisses to the crowd) thank you I try