Chapter 3

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Nico's pov

I was woken up very early the next morning, it was great!
Will walked in my room at 6:30 in the morning complaining that he was bored. Very mature of him.

"So why did you wake me up this early? Not everyone wakes up with the sun you know," I said, annoyed, grumpy and tired.

"Well I was bored and I realized that I have never given you a check up so I thought I would give you one," Will replied shrugging putting a stethoscope around his neck.

"At 6:30! Are you insane! I need my sleep, and you of all people, my doctor, should know that."

"Ya, well I'm going to give you a check up anyways because your already awake."

"Whatever lets just get this over with," I said with resentment.

"Okay good, now take off your shirt." Will stated as my eyes grew twice the size.

"Ummmm w-why do I n-need to take m-my s-shirt off?" I stuttered and blushed, why Nico why!

"I need to check you're heart and blood pressure and all that,"

"Oh, ya okay," I am so stupid, of course he wants me to take my shirt off, he's a doctor for Zeus' sake.
I took off my shirt and heard a loud gasp.
"What happened to your arm!!" Will exclaimed looking at my poorly stitched werewolf scratches, which were red and swollen,

"While Reyna, couch hedge and I were shadow traveling the statue we were attacked by werewolf's and Lycaon and I was scratched." I said nonchalantly.
"WHAT! You could have died!! Why didn't you tell me!" Will yelled while grabbing tons of supplies to try to fix the wound.

"Well, it doesn't really hurt and I wouldn't think you would care," I said

"Not care, NOT CARE! Why wouldn't I care! For one I'm your doctor and for 2 I ........." Will mumbled the last part.

"You what?" I asked curiously

"Nothing, ok let's fix this up" Will said. He grabbed an ambrosia cube and shoved in my mouth, it tasted like McDonald's milk shakes and Bianca's homemade cookies.
After chewing and swallowing the ambrosia, Will placed his hands on my wound and started chanting in Ancient Greek. His hands started to glow and the werewolf search grew warm and it hurt a bit, which I guess is why he gave me the ambrosia. Will took his hands off the deep cut which looked like a scar now.

"All done!" Will smiled warmly, "are you hungry? You look pretty thin after your trip across the world."

"I eat," I lied defensively, looking away. Will raised an eyebrow but shrugged nonetheless.

"Hm, sure. I'm going to go get you a full breakfast! Eggs, bacon and hash browns!" He chirped, waving and bounding out of the room.

I frowned and worried at my lip. This could be a problem.

Hey guys, how do you like the book??
what do you think Nico's secret is?.


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