Chapter 16

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💀💀Nico's pov💀💀

I felt like I was being pulled in a million different directions, and it was painful. I thought of the infirmary, the white walls and blueish green tile floors knowing where I needed to go. I was doing this for Will, an only Will.
We arrived in the death hall floor with a thump and Cassie saw us and rushed over
"Nico! What happened!" She exclaimed kneeling beside us

"I-.... We were coming here in a cab and the driver... The driver tried to kill us..... Will got hurt.." I tried to say but I was to tired
"You shadow traveled didn't you! We have to get you to heal-"
"No..... Will first," I chocked and blacked out


I woke up slowly and looked around wondering where I was and then I saw the white walls. The infirmary.
And then I panicked, where was Will?
"Cassie!" I yelled hysterically and she ran in

"Oh good you're awake, we have some bad news,"

"What is it, and how long was I asleep?"

"You were asleep for two days and Will just woke up."

"How is that bad news?" I asked confused

"You'll see, follow me," I got out of bed and she opened the curtain of the cot beside me and laying there was Will. I ran up to him and hugged him

"Thank the gods you're awake!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly

"Uhh who are you?" He asked obviously confused

"What do you mean?" I asked, tears about to start well in my eyes

"Uh, Nico, Will has amnesia," Cassie sad sadly

"What?" No no no no no no no no no no no no no no!


A familiar boy with black hair and chocolate brown eyes ran in and hugged me?

"Thank the gods you're awake!" He exclaimed happily. Gods? What does he mean by that?

"Uhh, who are you?" I asked confused, like I have been for the last half hour.

"What do you mean?" The boy said his smile dropping

"Uh, Nico, Will has amnesia," the girl, Cassie I think her name was, said. Was she my girl friend? In that sentence I learned two things, my name is Will, and the boy in front of me is named Nico.

"What," the boy said with a devastated look on his face, tears brimming his eyes

"Nico," Cassie said slowly and cautiously. who was this boy? He didn't look any older than 14. How old was I?

"Nico, you are going to help Will get his memories back, ok? Tell him everything from before the accident," what accident?
Cassie left the room and Nico just sunk into the plastic chair beside me, looking like someone told him his mother died.
"O-ok Nico, get yourself together," he mumbled to himself,
"Ok, your name is Will solace," he started
" your 15, your birthday is in July and your dad is Apollo," 15, that's how old I am.

"Wait, Apollo as in the sun god?" I asked stupidly, those were just myths

"Yes," wait what?
"And right now we are in a camp called camp half blood, for people like us,"

"Like us?"

"Demigods, half God and half mortal," woah that's weird,

"Who's your parent?" I asked still confused
"Hades, God of the dead, and my name is Nico di Angelo, I'm turning 15 in January,"

"Oh, cool, and also, who was the girl, are we dating?"
Nico laughed a bit. I like his smile

"Not exactly, she's your half sister," at this I blushed a tomato red

"Oh," I said sheepishly

"And you're not into girls," what does he mean?

"So I'm-"

"Ya, you're gay,"

"Oh," I said again. Do you know how weird it is for yourself when you know nothing but everyone else knows everything about you? I'll tell you it's weird.
"We'll do I have a boy friend then?" I asked

"Ya, you do," he said sadly.



😭😭😭I'm so sorry guys! This is killing me on the inside. The feels are too much! Comment what you think!


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