Ask the author answers!

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Heyyyyy I'm back with answers!

@unda_tha_sea asked

I am straight. I want to date some adorkable fanboy that will understand my constant need for books, tv shows and tea and hot chocolate. (Edit 3 years later: wtf ew this is incorrect)

Catbug462 asks; will you please make more or at least another?

I would, but I honestly have no more ideas for this book, but don't worry, this definitely not the last of me. I already have another solangelo book up, a high school au called grieving, and I have more than 6 new ideas that all have a whole story line planned out and I love them all. So, follow me and keep up with my works and I hopefully will get the chance to do them all!

averykitch asks: Caleo or jiper:jasper?

I used to love caleo so much more but I don't know anymore. I love love love Leo and love Jason (as you can tell I love Leo more) but the ships both don't hit hard like fierrochase or solangelo or blitzstone or percabeth (I could name so many more).
I would probably pick caleo though.

lemonlife23 asks; favourite book series?

I honestly could not choose one, because too many. I obviously love the Percy Jackson, HoO and ToA series, Magnus chase, Harry Potter, the mortal instruments and the demon road trilogy and I suggest you read them all because they're SO GOOD!

lemonlife23 asks; favourite Disney princess and Disney movie (not princess)

I have a bunch of favourite Disney princess's but I love belle, jasmine (but I love Aladdin) and Merida cause pretty red head Scottish lady.  And as for Disney movie that isn't a princess I lovvvvveeee the lion king.

lemonlife23 asks; favourite subject?

I don't really have a favourite subject, because I don't love school because it's pretty stressful. I like art even though I'm not that good, and I loveeeee English. Though I get mostly a's in everything. Sometimes. So ya.

lemonlife23 asks; what are you reading right now?

I just finished the third book of the demon road trilogy which was AMAZING and right now I'm reading both the 5th book of the Harry Potter series and the bane chronicles.

lemonlife23 asks; favourite holiday?

I love Christmas. It's my favourite holiday because I get to see my family (even though I'm always awkward around the family I haven't seen in forever and end up hiding in my room reading) and eat really good food and I get tons of books so yay! I also love Halloween and New Years though (if that counts?)

roses2424 asks; where do you want to visit?

There are sooooo many places I want to go right now. I'd love to go to Scotland since that's my main heritage and it's where my mom and her whole family is from there as well as some of my dads family so ya. I also want to go to Greece, New York, Italy and Romania and so many other places that I can't think of off the top of my head.

roses2424 asks; favourite flower?


Ok guys this is probably the last you will hear from me in this book so I love you all and hope you can read my other book.

I have written like 5 other books since this, solangelo and snowbaz, and they are much MUCH better than this,,, check em out :)

I love you so much,


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