Chapter 18

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(Hey so I completely forgot about this chapter and someone commented on it and I realized how much I would hate to read it so I changed it)

💀💀Nico's pov💀💀

It's been 3 days and I haven't left my cabin once. I haven't talked to anyone but Jason and I've hardly eaten anything. I feel worse than when Bianca died. I felt myself falling into a deep depression and this time there was no Will to make me feel better.
I was trying to get my mind off of everything, in the combat arena, slicing dummy after dummy. I kind of felt bad that I was destroying them all after campers had spent their time making them all, but I didn't stop. I was so angry.
I had saw Percy doing this cool trick while training on the Argo 2 and I always wanted to try to do it.
I did it perfectly the first time and I grinned in satisfaction, the first grin since Wills memory left.
I got to the last dummy and tried again, but this time my sword landed wrongly and cut my arm.

"Ah damn" I cursed, nursing the cut. I heard voices coming so I grabbed my fallen sword and shadow traveled back to my cabin.
I went into my bathroom and cleaned as well as I could with my basic knowledge on first aid. I thought about how Will would've been fixing me up if we didn't come. Then I thought about how I wouldn't have this cut if we just stayed home in the first place. Tears filled my eyes for the millionth time.

I went to my CD player and blasted sleeping with the sirens, climbed onto my bed and wrapped all my blankets around me.
That is when my stomach growled loudly. I really didn't want to move but I was, sadly, hungry. I looked at my calendar and saw it was the Tuesday after thanksgiving weekend and I was supposed to be at school. I got changed into black skinny jeans a plain black t-shirts and one of Wills old hoodies which was dark grey and massive on me. Then I shadow traveled to one of my favourite places.

I walked into McDonald's with one earbud in and the other out so I could order. I had a dark aura coming off of me and mortals backed away when I passed them. Thankfully there was no line so I walked up to the cashier.

"One Big Mac and a large chocolate milkshake please," I asked the girl at the cash, she looked as old as me. Well maybe not as old as me cause I'm technically 90.

"Anything else?" She asked with a happy attitude. It disgusted me.

"And a medium fry please," I answered, I could not forget the fries.

"Ok that will be 10 dollars please," she replied so I grabbed 10 bucks out of my pocket and put it on the table. She passed me my food and I went outside to the patio and ate out there. As I slowly chomped on my fry I looked around and noticed I was at the McDonald's near my school. And that is when the last person I wanted to see showed up.
"Hey look, it's the fag!"

Hey guys, what's up? Who's the person Nico
Didn't want to see?


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