Chapter 28

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💀💀Nico's pov💀💀

Will and I finished filling out the papers and started walking to school. We were walking inside the school when I felt someone staring at me. I looked around and saw Aiden staring at me angrily with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. I scowled and turned back around fast, which caught Wills attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly

"Aiden," Will instantly understood

"Do we have any classes together today?" He asked changing the subject

"I think today is when we have all but one together!" I replied happily

"Yes! Well I don't know about you but I don't want to be late, so let's goooo!" Will yelled the last part which caused some people to stare but I just laughed.

We got to class and sat in the back together and almost died of boredom. I hated geography, I mean what's the point of learning about it if I've already been halfway across the world. If I wanted to learn about somewhere I haven't been to I could just shadow travel there.
I made up my mind that I didn't need to listen to the teacher and grabbed my sketch book. I had tons of drawings in it, I had sketches of my nightmares which mostly consisted Tartaruas and monsters but I also had pictures of Will, places I stopped at when I was shadow traveling across the world, camp and the Athena Parthenos. I went back to the sketch of Will. I drew him with a halo and angel wings. Don't ask why because I really don't know. I was finishing up the sketch with some shading and when it was done my hands were covered in pencil.
Then the secretary called

"Hello?" She asked

"Yes?" The teacher replied

"Can Will solace and Nico di Angelo come to the office please?"

"Sure, boys," she looked at Will and I, and we stood up. I left my stuff because I thought we would be back.

We walked to the office in a comfortable silence, holding hands and smiling happily. We walked in the office and over to the secretary

"Hi boys, we have a problem," the secretary said and will and I exchanged looks.

"What type of problem?" Will asked

"I don't know for sure but I think you boys have lied to the principal and I, we just got a call from a man claiming that he is Wills father," she said looking at Will. Will paled trying to think of a reason Apollo would call for him.
"Oh, um, he is my, uh, stepdad. He, um, after my mom died he left me and I went to live with my best friend, Nico," Will stammered and I mentally face palmed.

"Well he would like to talk you," she said and handed the phone to Will

☀️☀️Wills pov☀️☀️

I took the phone from the secretary
"Hello?" I asked wondering why Apollo would call me especially at school.

"Hello Will! What's up?" Apollo replied happily which confused me.

"Wait you called me while I was at school, to ask what's up?" I asked incredulously

"Well not in that way, I meant do you need and money? Drachmas? Anything?"

"No we don't need anything, we are doing fine, if I need you I'll call you, ok?"

"Ok goodbye Will, be good to Nico!"

"Da-" but I stopped because he hung up
I put the phone down and the bell rang

"We better get to class," Nico said and I walked out of the office with him

Hey guys, I'm not dead but please don't kill me, I've been busy. Also thank you for 500 reads!!!! Thank you soooooo much! Please don't be silent, comment!


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