Chapter 14

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☀️☀️Wills pov☀️☀️

I walked to my next class which again wasn't with Nico and with, ugh, Monica.
I got there early this time but she sat beside me. Why do the gods hate me? To prove my point that she has no chance with me, I paid no attention to her what so ever. I wrote all the notes I needed and packed up my stuff as the bell rang. I stepped out of class and started to walk to my locker when a blind fold was put over my eyes and I'm pretty sure I was pushed in a closet because I heard a door close.
At first I thought it was Nico wanting to give me a "surprise" if you know what I mean but as I felt lips on mine I knew it wasn't him, the person didn't smell like vanilla. they smelt like designer perfume. ew. I pushed the unknown person off me and whipped off the blindfold. Standing in front of me was the person I hated most. Monica.

"How do you feel about me now? Dump the girl and date me," she said trying to look sexy but she just look stupid. How hasn't she found out yet? I practically told her.
"How haven't you figured it out! I practically told you!" She just looked confused. I sighed heavily.
"I'm gay you idiot!" I yelled angrily. She looked confused at first and then a look of disgust flashed across her face
"Ew! And I kissed you! That emo loser gave it to you didn't he!" My mouth dropped open
"Excuse me that's a little rude. And no he didn't spread it to me I'm his boyfriend!" Then I realized what I had just said. I slapped a hand over my mouth and left her dumbfounded in the closet. I rushed to my locker avoiding all eye contact. I just did the one thing Nico didn't want me to do.
I got to my locker and sadly, Nico was still there.

"Hey where were you?" He asked, happily. I had to tell him but not now, at home later today.

"I was held back by the teacher, he wanted to talk about our assignment," I lied

"Oh, ok, let's go to history, we're working on Greek mythology!"

"We'll ace this class!"

"Let's go!" And that is when I got childish

"We're going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship," and I'm surprised Nico sang along

"Soaring through the the sky"

"Little Einsteins!"
We laughed and walked to class

"What's got you so happy?" I asked

"You," was how he replied
We walked into our last class and sat beside each other and I heard quiet snickers behind us. During class we passed noted to each other in Greek saying "I love you" and "I love you too". About half way through class mrs.Sparks saw me passing a sticky note to Nico that said "I love you mostester" (we were having a who loves the other most contest). She walked over to us
"What's this boys?" She asked snatching the note from my hand. Nico at first looked panicked but I mouthed "Greek" and he was calm again.

"What is this?" She asks trying to read the note

"We were just working on our Greek mrs.Sparks," I said

"Ok boys, I'll let you off this time and please if you're going to work on your Greek, please do it while we are actually working on it,"

"Ok mrs.Sparks" we said in unison.
The bell rang and she handed me back the note and I stuffed it in my bag. Then Nico and I walked to our new home.

Hey guys, how's it going? Ugh I hate writing what Monica says, it hurts me. Comment what you think!


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