Chapter 30

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💀💀Nico's pov💀💀

Will and I walked down the hall back to our class so I could grab my books. We didn't care anymore if people judged us so we hold hands and hug in public now.
When we walked in class surprised to see that my books were gone. MY BOOKS WERE GONE! MY SKETCH BOOK WAS THERE!
I started to look around frantically while Will looked at me like I was crazy.

"What are you doing?" He asked still watching me rush around the room

"My-my books, they're gone!" I exclaimed

"You know you can bye knew ones right?"
"No you don't understand, my sketch book was there!" I yelled frantically. Thank god the teacher was gone or she would think I was going nuts.

"Ya I was meaning to ask, what's so important about your sketchbook, you never let me see it," Will said

"It's because it's private, I haven't let anyone see it in my life! It has things from my past, nightmares and everything that happens in our DEMIGOD LIVES! If anyone sees it they could learn about us and everything would go down hill from that! That, Will is why it is private!" I yelled.

"Oh," Will replied quietly taking in what I said
"Don't worry, we'll find it," he said taking my hand leading me out the door


It has been 4 days we still haven't seen my book.
It was lunch and Will and I were sitting in out normal seats, laughing and having a good time. I heard the occasional whisper about us but for once, I didn't care.

As Will and I were finishing up two girls that seemed to be the same age as us plopped down in front of us. The first girl had black hair and bright green eyes and seemed to be a bit taller than me. Her friend had brown hair with dark blue tips, light blue eyes and was shorter than me.
Will and I looked at each other confused why they were sitting here with us.

"Uhh, hi?" Will said confused like me
"Hi! I'm Sarah, and this is amber," the girl with black hair said excitedly and the girl with brown hair, Amber gave us a small wave

"Hi, I'm Will, and that's Nico," Will said. How is he so friendly?

"Omg I love your name Nico! Is it Italian?" Sarah asked intrigued

"Uh, ya," I said quietly

"Cool! Amber here is Spanish, which I think is super cool considering I'm only American and Canadian from my dads side. Where are you from Will?" Wow this girl sure knew how to talk. I liked Amber, she was quiet like me,
"Oh, I'm American, Latin and Greek,"

"YOU'RE GREEK! Omg that's awesome!"

"Ya it's pretty cool, since Nico is too, we can have conversations and no one will know what we are saying!" Will replied. Other than looks, these two could have been twins separated at birth, they were both so energetic and talked non stop. 


"So what brought you two over to our table today Sarah?" Will asked and I sat up wanting to know the same thing

"I wanted to meet you two! For one, you are such a cute couple, and you also seem like you have a great back story, and I love stories!"
Will and I looked at each other, she had no idea

"Annnddd, I'm the school reporter and need something new," she added sheepishly

"We don't have that good of a story," I said thinking about everything that has happened in my life from when I was born, to now and smiled

"That's a lie,"  Sarah said and Will and I smiled

"Ya, it is-" will was cut off by a teacher walking up and looking at Will and I

"Hello boys, there is another call for you," she said and Will sighed heavily. I laughed quietly hoping that it was Apollo just for Will to get embarrassed
"Who is it from?" Will asked

"A principal from a school near here, she said that she needs to speak with you,"

Cody was all I thought when she told us this.
"We'll be right there," Will said gathering his garbage from lunch so he could throw it out. We were walking down the hall to the office when Sarah and Amber popped up beside us again.
"Why does a principal from another school need to speak with you?" Sarah asked

"I have no clue, but it can't be good," I said

"Will we see you outside?" She asked

"Probably not,"

"Ok well, if we're not going to see you again today, can I get you're number?" She asked us
Will fished his phone out of his pocket and tossed to to her so she could put her number in then tossed it back
"Text you later!" She said linking arms with her silent friend and skipped away
Will laughed, took my hand and we walked to the office for the second time that week.

Hey guys, 600 reads! Do you think we can make it to 1000?
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