Chapter 6

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💀💀Nico's pov💀💀

We walked into the busy pavilion and walked to our separate tables. I sat down and got a milkshake and a small caesar salad. I was drinking my milkshake when Will come over and plopped down beside me.
"What are you doing here you're going to get in trouble!" I whisper yelled  looking at him

"I'm your doctor and we need to start working on fixing your a-" Will was cut off by Jason walking over and plopping down beside me.

"What does Nico have?" He asked curiously

"Nothing." I replied quickly. only Will knew and I would like it to stay that way.

"Whatever, I came to ask if you wanted to come to the beach with Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Calypso and I tonight?"

I looked at Will,
"Can I?" I ask him with pleading eyes

"Only if I can supervise you." He replied
"That's fine," Jason said smiling widely and left the table
Will and I ate in silence and I tried eating more than usual.

We were walking to my cabin so I could change into some fresh clothes, which was a black band tee, fresh jeans that didn't have any rips in them, and a over sized black sweatshirt that I was sad wearing because I felt I was replacing my aviators jacket. Then we walked to the beach right before sundown.

When we got to the beach there was no one there so we walked down to a clear spot that had a good view and sat down to watched the sunset.

Five minutes later Will slipped his hand into mine and I blushed but pretended not to notice because I was cold and he was warm.
And I admit, I liked it.

⚡️⚡️Jason's pov⚡️⚡️

I rapidly knocked on Percy's door, trying to get him to hurry up. Percy walked out his hair wet and everywhere.

"Hurry up!" I exclaimed

"Bro I was having a shower," he complained and shook his head like a wet dog soaking me

"Dude! Come on we're going to miss it!"
We rushed to the beach and when we got there we spotted Nico and Will sitting on the beach. We raced to a bush that was conveniently placed right behind them up where the beach met the grass.
I got out two pairs of binoculars and passed a pair to Percy who took them gratefully. I looked through to see something that might make my OTP a cannon! I saw Will put his hand in Nico's and I almost squealed in delight, but I didn't because I didn't want to blow our cover. Does Nico
Even notice?
Then knowing Percy and how he acts, he saw the hand thing late, squealed and whisper yelled "look!" Which of course blew our cover so we sprinted away hearing a couple "heys" behind us and Percy yelling
"Is he your type?!" With his head over his shoulder.

☀️☀️Wills pov☀️☀️

Nico quickly took his hand out of mine and we both jumped around to see Percy and Jason running back to the cabins. I sighed and turned back around not caring, it was just them right. Nico seemed to relax and smile lightly a Percy yelled when he turned back around.

"Sooooo" I said awkwardly trying to start a conversation.

"Um don't worry about Percy and Jason, they probably won't tell anyone, and if they're smart they won't."

"Oh," I said stupidly.

A/n this is going to be cheesy but whatever.

"Nico, you know when we were playing 20 questions?" I asked

"Ya, why?" He replied narrowing his eyes

"And you know that one question that we both passed?"

"Yessss" he said slowly

💀💀Nico's pov💀💀

"Yessss" I said slowly and unsure. What was he getting at?

"I need to tell you something important that will probably answer that question,"
Wait what?

Hey guys, who's on march break? I am! How do you like the book so far? Is it going to fast or to slow, and I'm sorry for the cheesyness. It's making me cringe but I don't know how else to do this. Comment what you think.


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