Chapter Two

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The next morning Grace was eager to see her mum, she pulled Jacob along the corridors by the hand trying to make him move quicker.
"Slow down Grace." Said Jacob.
"But we need hurry... She might wake soon...I think she'll wake up today, don't you?" Asked Grace becoming excited.
Jacob's heart dropped, he didn't know what to say. How could he say something positive without getting her hopes up, the reality was Connie could be laid in that bed for a lot longer yet.
When they reached the ward Connie was on Grace took off ahead of Jacob, running down the corridor earning disapproving glances from the nursing staff.
When Jacob walked into Connie's room, Grace was already by her bedside holding her hand telling her all about the sleep over and how she was Super Mario champion.
"I think you'll find I let you win Miss Beauchamp!" Said Jacob walking to the other side of the bed to give Connie a kiss on the forehead. "Morning sweet cheeks." He said knowing she wouldn't answer.
"Jacob's just a sore looser mum, I beat him easily!" Said Grace sticking her tongue out at Jacob.

The day passed slowly, despite Jacob's attempts for them to get some fresh air, Grace refused to leave her mum's side. Charlie had been up to see if Grace wanted to come down to the E.D for a change of scenery but she wouldn't go anywhere.
"Grace?...come on let's go for a walk, it's no good for you to be stuck in this room all day...shall we go to the park or something?" Suggested Jacob.
"What if she wakes up?"
"Then we'll get a phone call and we will come straight back." Jacob assured her.
"Ok, we have to go to the think I'd like the shops better."
Jacob sighed. "Your so like your mother it's unreal...Ok to the shops...What are we looking for?"
"I don't know....stuff!" Said Grace shrugging. "We can't be ages though...I don't want to leave mum for to long." She said as she put her coat on.
Jacob squeezed Connie's hand. "We'll be back soon."

Two hours later Grace was back sat beside her mum as Jacob stood watching through the window. She was describing the new outfit Jacob had bought her, how she'd picked it out herself. They also arrived back with flowers and balloons for Connie to brighten up her room. Jacob smiled as Grace looked at him and waved before turning back to her mum, he'd no idea where she got all her rattle from.
Jacob looked down the corridor when he heard someone approaching. "Hey Zoe."
"Hi... you look shattered." She said.
Jacob laughed. "I managed to get Grace out for a bit....Shopping! It was the only way she was moving."
"The apple didn't fall far from the tree there." Smiled Zoe. "Any news?"
"No...there's been no change since yesterday...Grace keeps saying she's got a feeling Connie will wake up today...I can't see it though." Said Jacob disappointed.
"She'll get there Jacob...listen if you ever need some time to yourself I can watch Grace..."
Said Zoe.
"Actually do you think you could see if she'd go with you now, I'd like a bit of time to sit with Connie if that's ok."
"Ye of course...has she eaten?" Asked Zoe trying to think of something Grace would leave her mothers side for.
"No...I suggested we eat in town but she wouldn't have any of it."
Zoe gave him a sad smile then went into the room, Jacob watched her talk to Grace. He could see the cogs going round in Grace's head before she reluctantly nodded and followed Zoe out.
"Jacob? Would you mind if Zoe took me to lunch?" Asked Grace.
"Not at all, go enjoy yourself." Said Jacob giving her a light tap on the back.
"Promise you'll ring Zoe if there's any change!" Said Grace, her face completely serious.
"Of course Miss Beauchamp."

After Zoe left with Grace Jacob went to sit beside Connie taking hold of her hand.
"Well, now I know why you wanted to breakup, because Grace wasn't happy.... I wish you'd have told me...I would have understood that more than you just saying 'its not going work'...I'm not saying I would have accepted it mind you....I'm not giving you up with out a fight just so you know."
Jacob sighed looking down a her hand in his, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. "You need to wake up soon, we miss and Grace miss you so much...I think I'm doing ok with her, she's certainly a handful...I know where she gets from...come on sweet cheeks wake up."

Has the days had passed there was small improvements in Connie's condition but even still Jacob started to notice a change in Grace, she was becoming quite and withdrawn. It was their third night camping out in Jacob's living room and Jacob was struggling to lift her mood.
"Grace? Is there anything you want to talk seem it about your mum?" Ventured Jacob.
"Why hasn't she woke up yet?" Asked Grace as a couple of tears rolled down the cheeks.
"Come here." Said Jacob pulling her to his side and putting an arm round her shoulder.
"I'll be honest...I don't know...What I do know is that the doctors are confident she will soon...the scan she had today looked very promising."
"Do you think she'll be mad at me?" Asked Grace.
"Why would you think that?" Said Jacob confused.
"For making the two of you split up...She was angry at me when I made her you think that's why she hasn't woken up yet?"
"No Grace, that's not the reason...I can assure you without any doubt that's not the reason...and when she does wake up she'll be so happy to see you." Insisted Jacob.
"Do you still want to be mum's boyfriend?"
Jacob smiled at her. "Very much...more than anything."
"Maybe if I tell mum I don't mind you two being together she'll wake up and change her mind and be your girlfriend." Said Grace thoughtfully.
"I think that would be great...but only if your sure." Said Jacob, his heavy heart becoming lighter.
"I'm sure...I like you looking after me and I think it would make mum happy too, have to still be my friend." Said Grace pointing at Jacob with a stern look.
"I promise." Jacob said has he hugged her.
Jacob's phone started to ring in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the screen.
"Hello?" He answered looking at Grace, his frown turned into a smile as he listened to the person on the other end of the phone. He started getting up pulling Grace up with him.
Grace watch as Jacob moved around putting his shoes on while he was still listening to his phone, he passed Grace her shoes and coat. "Put them on." he whispered.
"Ok....yes...thank you....yes.... we're on our way." Said Jacob grabbing his own coat.
"Jacob? What's going on?" Said Grace confused.
"Your mum's showing signs of waking up!" Smiled Jacob.

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