Chapter Twenty Two

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Sorry, just a short update I've managed while away between drinking sessions. Back to it properly tomorrow C.J xx

The weeks past by slowly for Connie and the anticipation was building with only three weeks to go before the baby was due. She sat at her desk filling out paperwork just as she promised Zoe, shoes off underneath the table.
Connie had been struggling with severe back ache for the last two days but still she refused to loose the heels.
Jacob shuck his head as he watched her from the doorway. "Just put your trainers on sweet cheeks, nobody will say anything."
Connie didn't answer, usually she would bite his head off for even suggesting wearing flat shoes. "Connie what's wrong." Asked Jacob.
She looked up for the first time since Jacob had started talking, Connie had a frustrated look in her eye. She held out a sheet of paper for Jacob to look at. "What is it?" He asked.
Connie was yet to speak but she got up and started pacing bare foot around the offce, her hands rubbing her back.
"They cannot be serious!" Said Jacob in total shock after reading the letter.
"I can't do it Jacob, I won't do it! That woman could have ruined everything!" Said Connie getting worked up.
The letter was informing them that Elle Gardener wasn't in fact getting a prison sentence, she would be spending time in a hospital talking to councillors. To help Elle in her recovery Connie and Jacob had been invited to confront her and talk about the events.
"Their not trying to make us Connie, it's an invitation that's all." Explained Jacob as he watched her struggle to ease her back pain.
"Well I'm not interested...she should be locked up...Everything she put us through and this hospital....." Connie rested her hand on the corner of the desk as pain washed over her.
"Connie are you ok?....seriously, you shouldn't be at work....go home and put your feet up!" Insisted Jacob pulling her into a hug.
"I don't want to go home, I have work to do...I told Guy I'd do one more week..." snapped Connie but she quickly regretted it. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on's just the pains getting worse." Moaned Connie leaning back on her desk with both hands this time.
"Pain? You said it was an ache this morning!" Exclaimed Jacob.
"Well now it's pain." She replied with a groan running her hand across the side of her bump.
"Connie....are you in labour?!" Frowned Jacob.
"I think I could possibly be... yes....I'm ok waters haven't bro -" Connie stopped short as she felt the rush of liquid between her legs. "Never mind." She hissed as the pain got worse.
"You can't be in labour! It's too early!" Insisted Jacob helping to support Connie. She let out another groan which motivated Jacob. "Oh god....Erm....we need to....Erm...maternity! We need to go there." Panicked Jacob
"Jacob....stop!" Said Connie as he tried to guide her out the room. "I'm not going to make it there...our boys coming now!" Connie groaned.
"Right...ok..." Said Jacob rubbing his hands over his face. He went to the office door and shouted for Zoe.
"Everything ok?" Asked Zoe after seeing Jacob's expression.
"She's in labour."
"Are you could be Braxton hicks." Offered Zoe.
"Her waters have broken." Explained Jacob.
"Oh right ok....Charlie." Zoe shouted over her shoulder as she entered the office. "Can you find me a quiet room's for Connie."
"Ok Connie lets get you comfy." Said Zoe gently.
Jacob and Zoe guided Connie slowly out of the office and into the room Charlie had prepared.

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