Chapter Thirteen

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Connie walked into the E.D the next morning dressed just as professional as ever, but instead of taking her things to her office she found an empty locker in the staff room.
With her head held high and feeling content with her decision she set about treating patients.
She was stood at the nurses station with Jacob looking through some patient notes when Cal walked up to the couple. "Excuse me, Mrs Beauchamp, could you sign off on these reports."
"No I can't and you don't need to call me Mrs Beauchamp anymore." Said Connie.
"Sorry, what? I'm not following." Said Cal confused.
Connie walked over to what used to be her office and took down her name plate. "Catching on yet Dr.Knight?" Connie asked a dumbfounded Cal. When she got no response she continued. "I resigned, you have a new boss."
"Really? Your joking right?" Said Cal waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Connie looked to Jacob for some help.
"Cal mate, it's true....gotta wait and see who the brass send in." Said Jacob.
Cal stood there looking back and forth between Connie and Jacob.
Connie let out a sigh. "Please don't tell me I'm going to have to through this with everyone!" She gave Jacob a wide smile and got back to work.
"Why?" Said Cal to Jacob.
"Her priorities have changed, she's done it to spend more time with Grace." Jacob told him.
", what's her title now?" Asked Cal.
"Connie's a consultant....still way higher up the chain than you mate." Said Jacob with a smile tapping on the back before walking off.

Connie had just finished with a patient when Jacob came up to her took hold of her hand and lead her onto a quiet corridor.
"Jacob, what are you doing?" She smiled at him.
"I wanted to give you a heads up....I've just seen Hanssen walking into the E.D.....I think he's got the new clinical lead with him." He said worried about Connie's reaction.
"Jacob it's fine, I've told you I'm happy with my decision -" "but your replacement -" "I know it's Elle and I'm still fine with it....she can have the job Jacob." Connie pulled him closer and kissed him. "I have something so much better." Connie smiled and walked away.

"Ok people gather round!" Said Hanssen. "I believe you already know Elle Gardener, she'll be your new clinical lead as from today so please help her out till she finds her feet."
The staff turned and looked at Connie and see rolled her eye. "May I?" She asked looking to Hanssen and when he nodded she addressed the staff.
"First off, it was my decision...I resigned and I've done so happily! My priorities have changed...and I've agreed to take a consultants position so I can keep working in this E.D. Is everybody ok with that?" Asked Connie looked round.
Charlie came over to her and gave her a hug. "I'm happy for you."
When the meeting broke up a few staff walked away talking to Connie with a friendly interest in why she stepped down.
Hanssen and Elle were left alone to watch the scene in front of them.

"Connie....can I have a word?" Asked Elle.
"Sure...what can I do for you?" She answered plastering a fake smile on her face.
"I hope there's no hard feelings between us, we did exactly hit it off when I was here last time." Said Elle.
"Well the last time you were here you threatened to take my job, so..." shrugged Connie.
"Yes and here I am....doing your job!" Smiled Elle.
Connie smiled back at her when she realised Jacob was stood behind Elle and could hear every word. The smugness that washed over Connie hit new heights.
"But you didn't take my job Elle....I gave you a job that I didn't want and I hope it makes you happy."
"Even if you hadn't given it up it would of been mine eventually....I would have watched you mess up...maybe even helped you on your way!" Smirked Elle.
"We'll never know now will we!" Smile Connie walking off with the satisfaction that Jacob had seen Elle for what she really was.

"Connie wait up!" Shouted Jacob.
She turned and smile up at him. "Hey, I'm off to pick Grace up in a bit." She said.
"Your ok?" Asked Jacob. "I heard what Elle said."
"I wish you'd stop worrying, today had the potential to be a difficult day, I get that....I really do....I even prepared myself for today to be awful. But you know what?'s been good, the rest of the staff have been supportive, I've actually spent time treating patients! And now I get to pick Grace up from school, then go home and prepare a nice meal for my growing family." Connie smiled.
"I love you Connie." Said Jacob kissing her gently. "I'll see you in a couple of hours."
"I love you too." Said Connie before walking into the staff room.

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