Chapter Twenty One

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Sorry for the delay, it's been a crazy two weeks. I've been entertaining my son through the Easter holidays, I must say the fortnight has flown by. I've also had to step into my bosses shoes while she's been ill, now that was very stressful!
Going away this weekend so can't see there being much wattpad action then either. I'm absolutely gutted, Casualty is going to have to wait till Monday....unless I can pick WiFi up in the hotel room..... ; )

Monday morning Connie walked into her new old office to find Zoe sat at the desk going through some paperwork.
"Hi, how are you?" Asked Zoe getting up out of the chair.
"Hi....stay there your alright if your in the middle of something." Said Connie sitting down on the sofa. "I'm fine....listen, I wanted to say thank you for your help on Friday with Grace....I appreciate what you did." Said Connie.
"It wasn't a problem....sooo, how should we do this....I've never had to share a job title before." Smiled Zoe.
"I've no idea...I've not really given it a lot of thought to be honest." Said Connie with a shrug.
Zoe's eyes opened wide in complete shock. "I'm glad I was sat down when you said that...are you sure your feeling ok?" Chuckled Zoe.
Connie gave her the tiniest smirked. "I think it's the hormones...their overriding my competitive streak, I never thought I'd admit to baby brain but I really can't deny it coz it's you want to know the first thing that ran through my head when Guy explained everything.....and I swear to god, if you tell anyone I said this!!" Threatened Connie. "....that chair!" She saw Zoe's puzzled look so she continued. "A couple more months and I'll be taking up residence in off under the desk...I'll volunteer to do all the paperwork!" She smiled.
Zoe smiled back at her. "You've got a deal...I'll follow your lead...just let me know what you want." Offered Zoe getting up from behind the desk. "I've made a start on that lot." She said pointing to the pile of folders stacked up. "I can believe Elle got away with this for so long, it actually scares me....I'm going to stretch my legs, there's a few patients I need to check on." Said Zoe.
"Ok...I'll see what I can do with it." Said Connie indicating to the desk. "....thanks again."

It was dinnertime when Connie looked up from her work, she frowned at the clock. Jacob had said he would come and eat lunch with her but he was 15minutes late. Connie picked up her phone to text him. 'Wheres my food? ;) Xxx'
Jacob replied a minute later. 'Just nipped to town, bk soon, foods on its way xxx'

A little while later the sound of someone clearing their voice made Connie looked up. Jacob stood in the doorway holding up a paper bag. "Dinner is served." He said looking pleased with himself.
He pulled out plastic container, he pushed Connie's paperwork to one side and placed it on the table in front of her. Connie smiled up at him. "Is this -" "your favourite chicken salad from your favourite restaurant....yes it is." Said Jacob grinning. He leaning over to give her a kiss.
"Thank you. You went all the way into town to fetch me this?" Asked Connie amazed at how sweet he was being.
Jacob just smiled and headed for the door. "Enjoy."

It was the day of the ultrasound, Connie and Jacob sat waiting to be called in by the midwife. "You definitely sure about finding out the sex of the baby?" Asked Connie.
"Yes, of course, I can't wait." Said Jacob squeezing her hand giving her a sideways glance. "Have you changed your mind?"
"No! I want to know...I was just checking you did!...what do you think it's going to be?" Asked Connie smiling.
"I don't mind Con, you know that. I just want it to be healthy.." Jacob told her. "Although a boy would be nice, to even things up a bit." He smiled. "A house full of Beauchamp that's a little scary!"
Connie swatted his arm and was about to say something but she was interrupted by the midwife calling her name.

Connie and Jacob sat quietly while the midwife moved the scanner over the baby. "Well everything looks's growing well...would you like to know the sex?" She smiled.
"Yes please." Said Connie eagerly.
The midwife turned round the monitor so Connie and Jacob could see, she adjusted the ultrasound and smiled. "Well I'd say your having a baby boy...congratulations." The midwife informed them.
"A boy?" Asked Jacob beaming from ear to ear. "I'm going to have a son!....we're having a son Connie!" Jacob was over the moon.
Connie chuckled at him as she cleaned the gel from her belly. Once she was sat up she kissed him. "I love you Jacob."
"I love you too." He answered.

They walked slowly through the hospital corridors back to the E.D, Connie watched Jacob, he was in his own world looking at the lastest scan picture.
"You ok?" Asked Connie.
Jacob smiled at her. "I'm feeling great." He stopped and held the photo up for Connie to see. "We're gunna have a son!"
"Yes we are." Smiled Connie. "Listen..." Said Connie turning serious. "...what you said earlier about being surrounded by Beauchamp women -" "I was joking Connie, I told you all I wanted is a healthy baby...I really didn't mind what sex it was." Jacob interrupted.
"I know's just...I wanted to let you know...our baby boy won't be a Beauchamp...I want him to have your surname." Connie explained.
"Really, your sure?" Asked Jacob getting a nod and a smile from Connie as she took hold of his hand and started walking again. "Just assumed he would have your name...I mean Grace doesn't have Sam's I just thought..." He continued.
"Well you thought wrong...." Connie stopped walking again and wrapped her arms around Jacob's neck pulling him down for a kiss. " see I didn't love Sam. I do, however, love you!"
"I love you to sweet cheeks."

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