Chapter Eleven

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It was half past one when Jacob got to Connie's, he let himself in using the key she gave him. The house was quite and all the lights were out except for the lamp on the small table by the door.
Jacob locked the door behind him and left his keys on the table beside Connie's, hanging up his coat and bag he made his way upstairs.
He got washed and changed in the ensuite, being as quite as possible not wanting disturb Connie he climbed into bed. He'd been laid there for a minute, he was just about to close his eyes when he felt Connie turning over and moving closer to him. She'd done all that in her sleep so Jacob gently put his arm round her and fell asleep himself.

The next morning Jacob woke to the feeling of Connie stirring beside him. "Morning beautiful." Murmured Jacob.
"Morning..." Said Connie sitting up to look down at him. "I didn't hear you come in."
"Well you certainly made yourself comfy on me as soon as I got into bed." Smiled Jacob.
"Are you complaining?" Said Connie playfully.
"Not at's nice...I like it....that even in your sleep you knew I was there and came for a cuddle." Jacob told her as he pulled her back down into the bed and began kissing and tickling her.
"Let me up!" Squealed Connie. "I've got to get Grace out of bed....Jacob! Stop!"
"Jacob!" Yelled Grace from the door.
"Grace! Get him!" Yelled Connie laughing.
Grace ran to the bed and dived onto Jacob. "Stop tickling Jacob or else!" Demanded Grace doing a good impression of her mum.
"Okay, okay.....I surrender....truce!" Shouted Jacob as he moved off Connie.
Connie climbed out of bed and took Grace out of the room. "Go get washed up while I get you some breakfast, oh and Grace, thanks for saving me." Chuckled Connie.
"Anytime mum."

The days passed quickly and Monday had finally arrived, Connie was eager to get back to work. Jacob was taking Grace to school so she get in early and make a start.
Connie opened her office door and hung up her coat, she sat down at her desk to open her mail when the office door swung open. Connie looked up, an unimpressed expression on her face. "You need to remove your things from my desk and then you need to learn how to knock. That's my name on the door not yours." Connie told Elle calmly.
"For now." Elle said smuggly has she gathered up her belongings.

Connie through herself into work over the next few weeks, she refused to let Elle Gardener get the better of her.
Connie would start early and finish late, determined to keep on top of the paperwork and not give Hanssen the opportunity to doubt her. She was running herself into the ground and it was Jacob who pulled her up first. He strode into her office closing the door behind him. "Connie, we need to talk!" He said.
"Not now Jacob, I'm busy...I'll see you at home tonight." Connie informed him not even looking up from her work.
"That's not good enough Connie, we need to talk now." Insisted Jacob sitting down on the sofa. Connie looked at him confused. "What's wrong?" She asked.
"Connie this needs to stop....three weeks Connie....three weeks!" Jacob told her.
"What's three weeks?" Frowned Connie.
"That's how long it's been since you spent any quality time with Grace and me!" He explained. "And on top of that, your not eating or sleeping come sit down and talk to me!"
Connie pushed her chair back to stand up but before she moved away from her desk she had to steady herself. Jacob rushed to her side to help.
"I'm fine, I just stood up to quickly!" Huffed Connie moving to the sofa.
"I don't think you are fine Connie." Said Jacob gently as he sat next to her. "Your looking pale and tired....Grace is missing you....I'm missing you. Your pushing yourself like this for no reason Connie."
"For no reason!! Are you serious! I've told you want your 'best friend' said to me, right? I have lots to do..." Said Connie getting up to go back to work but stopped short of the desk as her vision blurred again. She felt Jacob lift her into his arms before she could fall and return to the sofa. Connie was sat across Jacob's knees with her head resting on his shoulder, they stayed together like that for a few minutes before Jacob spoke up. "Of all the things I just said to you, the one thing you pick up on was the job part! What about Grace? She misses you!"
"And I miss her to....I've missed you both!" Whispered Connie. "But the thought of that woman......that smug look that she saves for one else...with everyone else she's...she's....she's a devious bitch Jacob! Why can't anyone else see that!" Connie sat up quickly a made for the sink in the corner of the office.
Jacob pulled the blinds so that no one else could see Connie being sick and went to her side. "Sweet cheeks? Let Zoe check you over, please? Your scaring me now! Your not well....please!" He begged.
Connie turned on the tap, she rinsed out her mouth and dried her hands and face on the towel Jacob passed her.
"I'll speak to her later, I promise!" Said Connie giving Jacob a weak smile.
"Ok....I'm off to to pick Grace up from school....please try and be home at a reasonable time tonight, Ye?" Asked Jacob hopefully.
"I'll try..." Said Connie sitting back behind her desk.

Connie slipped inside the house, the lights were off so she made her way upstairs. Grace's door was half open letting light flood onto the landing. Connie was about to go inside when she heard Jacob's gently voice trying to calm her down.
"I miss her Jacob, since she went back to work she's it because of me? Do you think she wishes I didn't come back?" Grace cried.
"No, that's not it Grace. Your mum's so happy to have you home....she's just had a lot on at work. I don't want you to worry, okay. I'll talk to her...." Jacob assured her.
Connie quickly took off into her bedroom before Jacob could catch her crying.

"You just missed Grace." Said Jacob behind her.
"I'm sorry, I really did try to get home early....Zoe did some tests...I thought I should wait for the results." Said Connie.
"Did she find anything, are you ok?" Asked Jacob concerned.
Connie gave him a warm smile and walked into his arms. "I'm fine....fighting fit. A little run down that's all." Connie tried to reassure him.

The next morning Connie was gone from the house before sunrise and when Jacob realised he became angry. He kept calm for Grace's sake and dropped her off at school as normal before heading to the E.D.
He barged into Connie's office expecting to find her working but she wasn't there, he spun around scouring the department for her.
"Everything ok Jacob, you look lost!"
"Zoe! Have you seen Connie?" He asked.
"No, not since last night...I found her working late....told her to get off home." Said Zoe.
"Did she ask you to check her over....she's not been feeling well." Asked starting to get frustrated.
"No....sorry." Said Zoe shaking her head.
Jacob stormed out of the E.D and into the car park. He noticed Connie's car in its parking space so he walked over. He could see her sat in the driver's seat so he climbed into the passenger side.
"What's going on Connie?" Asked Jacob. "I can see you've been crying!"
Connie sat there not saying a word, just starring out the front window.
"Connie why did you just up and leave this morning?"
"I heard you and Grace talking last night.....I didn't realize Jacob......I didn't realize how bad I'd gotten.....I'm so sorry." Whispered Connie.
"Its going to be ok sweet cheeks." Jacob smiled at her.
"I left early this morning to talk to Hanssen.....I've handed in my notice as clinical lead." Connie said turning to see Jacob's reaction.
"You've done what!" Shock washed over him.
"I told him that I wanted to step down.......I don't want to lose you or Grace....I want to be happy Jacob and it's the two of you that makes me happy, not my job."
"I love you Connie." Said Jacob leaning over to kiss her.
"I love you to....let's walk...there's more we need to talk about." Said Connie as she climbed out the car.
Jacob took hold of Connie's hand as they walked out of the hospital grounds and into the park across the street. "I've seen Zoe....I know you didn't get a check up." He told her.
"I didn't need one....I'm not ill....could you just listen for a minute....please....there's things I need to say and I'm not going to find it very easy." Demanded Connie pulling Jacob down onto a bench. "I know I haven't been easy to live with these last few weeks.....and I'm hoping it hasn't put you off...." Connie took a deep breath. "I'd really like it if you'd move in....properly.....permanently....if you want to.....I won't hold it against -" Jacob cut her off with a deep and passionate kiss.
"Of course I want to....more than anything." Jacob smiled kissing her again. When they broke apart Jacob asked. "So what happens now for your career, I can't imagine you being sat around as a lady of leisure." Said Jacob chuckling.
"I'll be just a regular consultant with set hours, 9am till 3pm Monday to Friday!" Smiled Connie feeling the weight being lifted from her shoulders.....just one more bomb to drop and this was the scary one.
"At Holby?"
"Yes at Holby, we'll still be working together." Clarified Connie.
"Wow, this is going to take some getting used more Mrs Beauchamp." Teased Jacob. "I still get to call you it at home though, right?" He continued wagging his eyebrows at her coursing Connie too blush.
"If your good!" She winked at him.
"So when does all this start and is it permanent?" Asked Jacob.
Connie looked down at her hands, it was now or never. "It starts tomorrow and yes it's is...until.....I started my maternity leave."
"Oh okay, Grace will be happy to spend more....what did you say?!" Said Jacob only just hearing what she said.

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