Chapter Nine

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Monday morning came round quickly for Grace. "Can't I stay home with you?" She whined to her mum.
"Nope, there's no reason for you to be off....even Jacob's got to go back to work today, he'll drop you at school on his way in." Answered Connie
"Why aren't you taking me to school?"
"I'm not aloud to drive till I've been for my check up tomorrow." Connie told her. "Now eat your breakfast, Jacob's leaving in 10 minutes."
Connie went upstairs to find Jacob, when she walked into the bedroom she was surprised to find him packing up his things. "Grace is nearly ready, she's just finishing her cereal....what you doing?" Asked Connie.
"I'm out of stuff again, I was going to call home after work...Do some laundry." He said walking over, putting his arms around her waist he pulled Connie close before he continued. "What do you want me to do?"
"About what?"
"Tonight....Do I come visit, stay home, bring fresh clothes....I need you to let me know what you want." Jacob clarified.
Connie looked up at him. "Oh....right....well...what would you rather do?" Looking a little uncomfortable.
"Connie, you know what I want...I would send every single second with you if it was, what do you want?" Jacob told her honestly.
"I want you to come back....with your bag." She smiled up at him.
"Okay then....I'll see you tonight....enjoy your day off. " Said Jacob leaning down and kissing her gently before he picked up his things and making his way downstairs. Connie smiled as she stood at the top of the stairs listening to Jacob and Grace's friendly banter. "Come Grace....are you ready....if I'm late for work I'm sending Rita after you!"
"I've been here waiting for 5's you that's being slow!" Replied Grace sticking her tongue out. She turned and smiled up at her mum. "Who's picking me up from school?"
"I will...I thought I'd get a taxi there and then we could walk back, call in the shop...grab some ice creams maybe." Suggested Connie.
"Sound good mum...see you later." Said Grace and then she was out the door.
"I could pick her up in my break if you want?" Said Jacob.
"The walk will do me good....and it's not far....thank you for offering." Smiled Connie.
"Come on Jacob....your being slow again!" Said Grace through the door.
"I'm coming little miss bossy!" Laughed Jacob and added just before pulling the door closed. "You get that from your mother."
"I HEARD THAT!" Shouted Connie.

Connie and Grace arrived home from their walk. "I thought you said it wasn't far!" Whined Grace.
"It wasn''s just less than a mile Grace...that is not far!" Chuckled Connie. "What shall we make for tea tonight?"
" you think Jacob likes lasagne?" Puzzled Grace.
"Do you know what...I don't know...why don't you ask him?" Said Connie. "Just a text! Don't ring, remember he's supposed to be working."
Grace pulled out her phone and started writing. Not 30 seconds after putting the phone down on the kitchen table she got a reply.
"Yes...he said lasagne is great." Read Grace.
"Right then let's get started.....but first..." Said Connie walking off and coming back with her phone.
"What you doing mum?"
Connie smiled. "Telling Jacob to put his phone away and get on with some work."

"What you doing with your phone out? ;p
Do you ever do any work?
I miss you xx"
Connie put her phone down and started taking things out the cupboards that they'd need when her phone buzzed.

"I'm on my break :p
I miss you too
Can't wait to see you
Connie smiled as she put her phone away.

Jacob walked in the front door a little after 6pm. "Something smells good." He said walking down the hallway into the kitchen.
"Hey." Said Connie walking over to him wiping her hand on a dish towel. She put her arms round his neck and kissed him thoroughly. When they pulled apart Jacob made a low growling notice as he said. "God I've missed you."
"I've missed you too." Replied Connie.
" two are gross!" Said Grace who had been sat at the table doing her homework.

That night Connie and Jacob laid together in bed cuddled close. "So Mrs Beauchamp, you kept the fact that you can cook quite didn't you?" Said Jacob playfully.
"You never asked!" Chuckled Connie.
"Erm...I've swapped my shift tomorrow so I can go with you for your check up...I hope that's ok." Said Jacob.
"You have? Really? didn't have to!" Said Connie a little surprised but grateful.
"I wanted to....I thought we could both take Grace to school and head straight there...maybe grab an early lunch before I go into work." Suggested Jacob.
"Thank you, I'd like that." She said resting her hand on his bare chest as they both fell asleep.

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