Chapter Ten

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After dropping Grace off at school Connie and Jacob made their way to the hospital in Jacob's car.
"You ready for this?" Asked Jacob.
"As I'll ever be." Said Connie taking hold of his hand as they walked into the hospital. When they arrived at the doctors office Connie spoke to the receptionist while Jacob took a seat in the waiting area.
"5 minutes." Said Connie has she sat next to Jacob.
"What's 5 minutes?" Asked Jacob.
"Till someone comes to collect me, I've got to have another scan." Explained Connie.
"Your not worried are you?.....everything will be fine." Insisted Jacob.
"I know.....I just wasn't expecting to have to go for a scan...."
"Should I come with you or wait here?" Wondered Jacob.
"Stay won't take'll come in to see the doctor though, right?"
"Of course -" "Connie Beauchamp." Called a nurse.
Connie smiled at Jacob and followed the nurse down the corridor.

Jacob sat waiting patiently for half hour before he heard the signature click of Connie's heals. As she rounded the corner Jacob could see that her doctor was beside her and they stopped to talk. Jacob stood not knowing whether or not to go over. After debating in his head he went to stand beside Connie and she smiled up at him.
"Everything ok?" Worried Jacob not knowing what he'd missed.
"Everything's fine." Said Connie before her doctor spoke up. "I didn't want to drag things out. It's was obviously a worrying time so....Everything looks good...I don't need to see her again." Said the doctor to Jacob. "She's still off sick till Monday....make sure your properly rested." He said turning to Connie.
Jacob shuck the doctors hand. "Thank you that's great news."
"Yes, thank you." Said Connie doing the same.
After the doctor walked back down the corridor Jacob turned to Connie and kissed her. They both had huge smiles on their faces. "I can't wait to pick my car keys up." Grinned Connie.
"Where are they?" Asked Jacob as they walked hand in hand towards the hospital canteen.
"In my office draw, we'll have some food and I'll call into the E.D with you to get them....I can see how Zoe's holding up as well." Said Connie.
"Ye.... about that....Zoe's not been doing your job - " "who the hell has then!" Connie smile dropped from her face and was replaced by a scowl. "And why am I only just hearing about it NOW!"
Jacob refused to bite, he kept calm as he told her the details. "Her names Elle Gardener, Hanssen put her in place...nobody knew how long you'd be off -" "bloody Hanssen!" Spat Connie.
"Look let's go eat...I'll tell you all about it.." Said Jacob trying not to smile.

"So you know her?" Asked Connie trying to take it all in.
They sat at a table in a quiet corner of the canteen with a cup of coffee and a sandwich each.
"We grew up'll like her Connie...She's just helping out till your ready to come back -" "so how come I'm just learning about all this now?...why didn't you say anything!?" Trying not to let it bother her.
"Because look at how you've......" Jacob swallowed. "reacted -" "you better not have been about to say OVER reacted!!" Growled Connie, she could feel the anger bubbling just below the surface.
"It wouldn't have been any good for you." Continued Jacob ignoring Connie's outburst. "...Elle said when your ready, she'll move over, she doesn't want to be clinical lead, she came here to be a consultant."
"She's staying?!" Connie got up sliding her chair back making a loud scraping notice that drew the attention of the other people in the canteen.
"Connie....Con..." Shouted Jacob but it was to late, she'd gone.
"Everything alright Jacob?"
Jacob turned round to find Charlie sitting down in the chair Connie had just vacated.
"You saw all that?" Asked Jacob.
" did her check up go?" Charlie worried that it wasn't good news.
"That was great...he told her she could go back to work Monday...there was nothing on the scan that was out of place." Explained Jacob with a small forced smile.
"Oh that was her finding out about Elle." Guessed Charlie.
"Yep...I don't get it, Elle's just been keeping things ticking over for her...soon as she's ready she gets her job back!" Said Jacob confused.
"Maybe it's not about the job...." suggested Charlie with a shrug.
"Well what else could it be?" Asked Jacob frowning.
"Maybe it's the fact that you know Elle really well....have you just been defending her to Connie?" Asked Charlie.
Jacob's eyes went wide. "You think Connie's jealous?"
"Well I'd never say that to her face though...Well not if you want to live!" Chuckled Charlie.

Connie went charging through the E.D straight to her office and let herself in. She dropped down in her chair and just sat for a moment lost in thought.
"Why the hell had she reacted like that?"
Connie took a deep breath to calm herself, opened her desk draw and pulled out her car keys and put them in her bag just has her office door opened.
"Oh! Hi...I wasn't expecting must be Connie Beauchamp." Said the women in the doorway. She held out her hand as she walked towards the desk. When Connie made no effort to greet her Elle sat in the chair opposite with a ridiculously wide grin.
"And you must be Elle Gardener!" Said Connie with a stern look on her face.
"Yes...your new consultant....well....when you come back that is." She said still smiling. "When will that be, do you know?" She continued.
"Why? Got comfy have you?" Said Connie with bitterness in her voice.
"I've no intention of trying fill those big heels of yours...." Elle stopped talking when she realised Connie wasn't buying into her act and for the first time since she walked into the office the fake smile left her face.
Connie sat there glaring at Elle.
"Okay so maybe I would like your job....we'll have to see how things go...hey?" Goaded Elle.
Connie picked out another set of keys out of the bottom draw before standing up and rounding the desk. She bent down so she was at Elle's eye level. "I'm back first thing Monday morning and I expect your-" Connie looked down at Elle's feet and made a discussed face. "-crocs to be out from under MY desk!" With that Connie stood up straight and confidently walked out of her office.

Jacob was stood at the other side of the nurses station and looked up to see Connie walking out of her office. He also saw Elle moving into the doorway and giving Connie a look of contempt. Worried he followed Connie through reception and when she made it out to the foyer she turned around to face Jacob knowing he'd been behind her.
"What happened in the office?" He asked as he approached her.
She crossed her arms across her chest. " know the usual...went to pick up my keys and get my job threatened!"
Jacob frowned. "She actually said she wants your job....Elle actually said that?"
"Yes! She. Did.....look I know she's a friend of yours... but I don't trust her Jacob!" Said Connie.
Jacob took hold of Connie's hand and led her out to the bench outside.
"Ok...firstly, just because she wants your job doesn't mean she'll get it...let me talk to her -" "No...just leave it. Your right." Said Connie calming down a little.
"So? the canteen...Why did you get angry?" Asked Jacob. "You didn't know what Elle was going to say back then."
"Because!" Connie looked at her hands shaking her head. "I don't know....I just don't like being kept out of things, it felt like people had been plotting behind my back....I guess I didn't like the idea that a woman from your past was trying to take my job." Mumbled Connie.
"There's nothing between me n Elle....there never has been....ever!" Said Jacob trying to reassure her.
"Don't go thinking I'm jealous Staff Nurse Masters...I don't do jealous! That's not what this is!" Insisted Connie causing a knowing smile to form on Jacob's face. "I'M NOT!"
Jacob leaned over and kissed her. "Ok sweet cheeks, whatever you say." And kissed her again.
"What time do you finish tonight?" Asked Connie smiling.
"1am, maybe I should stay at mine. I don't want to keep you up." Offered Jacob.
"Or you could take these." Said Connie reaching into her coat pocket and pulled out the second set of keys she picked up from her office.
Jacob held out his hand looking at the set of three keys in his palm. "What are they?" Asked Jacob confused.
Connie laughed at him. "There keys Jacob. They open doors!" Teased Connie.
"Hahaha....I know that...what I meant was....what doors do they open?"
"There my spare keys I kept in my office. Front, back and garage door. Their yours if you want them."
"You want me to have keys to your house? Are you sure?" Asked Jacob wanting to be clear.
"Yes Jacob, I want you to have them...I'll see you tonight." Said Connie leaning to kiss him again.
"I love you." Said Jacob.
"I know you do, and I love you too." Said Connie and pulled out her car keys.
Jacob watched as she walked over to her car and climbed in. She blow him as kiss as she pulled away.

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