Chapter Twenty

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Connie, Jacob and Grace had just settled in the living room after finishing their food when the house phone rang. "I'll get it." Said Jacob lifting Connie's feet from off his lap. He returned a few seconds later with the phone in his hand, holding it out to Connie. "Its for you, someone called Guy?" Said Jacob returning to his previous position.
Connie rolled her eyes as she took the phone. "What do you want, I'm busy!" Said Connie down the phone causing Jacob to look at her and raise a eyebrow before he continued rubbing her feet. Connie smiled at him and stuck her tongue out while she listened to the person on the other end of the phone.
"Guy it's Saturday!.....where's Henrik?....oh....No, it's not happening......I'm not interested.....I'm happy with the way things are, that's why.....What do you mean.........9 o'clock?......make it 10....I'm not promising anything....ok, bye." Connie hung up and looked at Jacob.
"Dare I ask?" Said Jacob.
"Hanssen's been put on leave because of the whole Elle episode, that was Guy Self....he wants to see me tomorrow." Connie told him.
"Did he say what he wanted?" Asked Jacob.
"Apparently Elle hadn't been keeping up with the job properly over the last few weeks and Hanssen was letting things slide....God knows what was going off there! He wants me to take my old job back." Explained Connie.
"Do you want you old job back...I thought you were happy with being a consultant?" Frowned Jacob.
"I am!....but he's a CEO at Holby and he's asked to speak with me....don't you think I should hear him out?" Connie asked.
"I'm not saying you shouldn't and if you want your old job back you should take it, I wouldn't stand in your way. Just don't let him railroad you that's all." Said Jacob.
"When have I ever been talking into something I didn't want to do?" Chuckled Connie.

At exactly 10 o'clock Connie knocked on Guys office door.
"Come in!" Came the reply. Walking in Connie was offered a seat. "Can I get you a drink?"
"No thank you." Answered Connie sitting down.
"How are you and Staff Nurse Masters after yesterday's incident?" Asked Guy.
"Both me and Jacob will be fine thank you." Smiled Connie. "Look, I don't mean to be rude but can we just get on with this, I'm supposed to be spending time with Grace." Said Connie feeling impatient.
" like I said on the phone....between Hanssen and Miss Gardener, the hospitals been left looking would be greatly appreciated if you would fill the role of clinical lead in the E.D again -" "I'm sorry, but no....I don't know if you've realized...but I'm pregnant, I'll be on maternity leave soon." Explained Connie.
Guy held his hands up to her. "Look let me finish...I understand what your saying and why your saying it...Hanssen informed me of your decision and reasons when you first resigned, that's why I've been authorised to make you an offer." Said Guy.
Connie frowned. "Go on...."
"Ideally the hospital would want you back as the E.D's clinical lead permanently.....but seen as that's off the table....would you consider doing the job until you start maternity leave?" Asked Guy.
Connie shuck her head. "I'm sorry I can't.....the hours...I've just got Grace into a routine...Guy, you know I would....but -" "you can have the same working hour you have now...and before you ask....Zoe has agreed to pick up the's just to give us chance to run a proper interview process....we obviously don't want the same mistakes happening again." Interrupted Guy.
"And what about after my leave...when I come back what happens?" Asked Connie becoming more interested.
"You can have back the role you have...consultant, same hours as you have now....What do you say Connie, will you do it?" Urged Guy.
"A proper contract?" Asked Connie.
"Yes....I can have the paperwork drawn up straight away." Agreed Guy.
"And when would I be expected to start?"
Connie stood up. "I need to think about it....I'll let you know by the end of today." Said Connie making her way to the door.
"Oh....and Connie!" Said Guy standing up behind his desk. "Your looking well, congratulations on the baby. I'm happy for you." He told her honestly.
"Thank you." Smiled Connie. "I'll speak to you later." She said closing the door behind her.

Connie walked into the house kicking off her shoes and hanging up her coat. "I'm home!" She shouted walking into the kitchen. She went to the sink for a glass of water, she felt Jacob move behind her and smiled.
"So did you tell them where to sick the clinical lead job?" Asked Jacob still planting kisses on her neck.
"Not exactly." Said Connie, Jacob stop what he was doing. She waited for the barrage of questions, but when they didn't come she turned around.
"Don't look so worried Connie, I told you if you want the job I would understand. Have you accepted?" Said Jacob offering his support.
Connie smiled at him. "Thank you, but let me tell you the best bit first.....I've been offered clinical lead up until I take maternity leave, I'd keep the same hours as now and Zoe has already agreed to take on some of the work load." Explained Connie.
"What's the catch?" Asked Jacob.
"No catch....Guy said its because they need time to run interviews... Elle's left the stuffed shirts a little red faced!" Grinned Connie.
"It sounds great, I take it Guy was pleased when you accepted." Said Jacob smiling. "Well I'm presuming you bit his hand off."
"Connie Beauchamp bites nobody's hand off!" She smiled. "I left him stewing, said I'd let him know by the end of today." Said Connie with a wide grin on her face.
Jacob chucked. "God I love you.... you never cease to amaze me!"

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