Chapter Fifteen

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Connie got up to follow Grace, she found her laid on her bed. "Grace sweetie, talk to me please." Said Connie sitting on the bed beside her.
"I don't want to talk to you!" Snapped Grace.
"I'd like to know why your so upset....Grace?" Connie sighed. "I honestly thought you'd be happy to be a big sister."
"Why would I be happy that your replacing me!!" Yelled Grace.
"I'm not replacing you sweetheart...I could never replaced you....when baby comes I'll love you both the same." Connie told her.
"But Jacob won't will he! Coz the baby will be his proper kid and I'm not....the three of you will be a real family so you won't want me!"
"Grace that's not true....Jacob will love you both the same as well....parents don't just stop loving one child because they have another. That's not how it works!" Insisted Connie.
"But I'm not Jacob's child, so what you just said doesn't count!!" Said Grace starting to cry.
Connie pulled her into a hug. "Please don't get upset Gracie."
Connie let her cry for a little while before she pulled back and wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"I want you think about something for me, can you do that?" Connie asked Grace.
Grace gave a small nod and a sniffle.
"I want you to think back to when I was poorly....who looked after you when I couldn't?"
"Jacob." Grace mumbled.
"He didn't have to Grace, he wanted to!.....who built that amazing tree house in the back garden for you just because you asked?"
Grace sighed. "Jacob did."
"Who took care of you when I was so busy at work?"
"I get it, Jacob looks out for me!" Snapped Grace.
"I don't think you do....he sits and helps you with your homework, reads you bedtime stories, he knows when somethings bothering you, before me most of the time!" Said Connie shaking her head. "He's been treating you as if you were his own all this time Grace, can't you see that? Can't you see that he worships the ground you walk on?"
Grace started to calm down after hearing her mum's words.
"He really sees me as his." Sniffed Grace.
"Of course he does."
"Can I see the picture please?" Asked Grace tentatively.
Connie gave her a wide smile. "Of course you can." And passed her a copy of the scan. "That one's your copy, if you want it." Offered Connie.
"Thank you." Said Grace looking down at the grainy black and white image of her brother or sister.
", you and Jacob are already a family, it's just when baby gets here we'll be a bigger family, that's all." Explained Connie gently.
"I won't be your baby any more though, will I?" Asked Grace.
"I'll always see you as my baby girl, even when your all grown up with a family of your very own." Confessed Connie giving Grace another hug.
"Will I get to help with the baby?" Inquired Grace.
"I hoped you'd be my chief helper, because I'm going to need all the help I can get." Smiled Connie, glad that Grace was coming round to the idea. "Will you come back downstairs?" Asked Connie.
Grace nodded. "We should make Jacob a special dinner to celebrate!"
"Great idea....see, this is why you need to be my chief helper!" Said Connie helping Grace up off her bed.

Sorry it's so short, but I thought Connie and Grace's mother/daughter moment deserved a chapter of its own.
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate everyone's lovely comments.
Thank you
C.J xx

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