Chapter Three

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Jacob and Grace raced down the corridors of the hospital eager to see Connie, both of them with wide smiles on their faces.
As they approached her room Jacob noticed the doctor that had been treating Connie.
"Doc?....what's happening? she awake...can we see her?" Asked Jacob breathlessly.
"Slow down Mr Masters... Connie opened her eyes for a few seconds and she's reacting to stimulates...if you could go in a talk to her, let her hear your voices." Said the doctor.
"Thank you." Said Jacob taking hold of Grace's hand leading her to see her mum.
Jacob went straight over and picked up Connie's hand, kissing the back of it. "Hey sweet cheeks...come on let me and Grace see them beautiful eyes of yours."
"Ye's time to wake up." Grace told her as she held her other hand.
The was nothing, no response, Grace looked at Jacob saddened.
"Its ok Grace, we just need to be patient..." Said Jacob but Grace looked deflated.
"I'm sleepy." Said Grace, that's when Jacob realized the time. It was gone 11pm, way past her bedtime. So Jacob helped her on to Connie's bed mindful of the wires as she got comfy, Grace was fast asleep beside her mum is minutes.
Settling himself in the chair at the other side, Jacob spoke quietly to Connie as he rubbed her knuckles. "You know it's chaos in the E.D without you...waiting times are through the roof." Said Jacob trying to provoke a reaction.
"Hope you don't mind sharing your bed but Grace was tired...we had a good chat before we got the phone call that you were trying to wake up...Grace is a credit to you queen Bee...Said she was sorry for making you choose...Connie....I....I've fallen in love with you...and I need you to wake up so I can tell you properly." Whispered Jacob has he watched him thumb move backwards and forwards on her hand.
And that's when he felt it, the slight twitch of her hand. "Connie?!" He looked up to see her eyes fluttering open.
Standing up he moved closer, looking down at her he smiled. "Hey beautiful." He said gently as he stroked her cheek.
"Hi." Croaked Connie.
Jacob held her a glass of water while she drank through a straw. "Better?" He asked when she pulled away.
"Yes, thank long have I been here?" She asked looking down at Grace.
"4've had us worried." Jacob told her.
"Who looked after Grace?" She frowned.
"I did...She stopped with me...I think we did ok under the circumstances." Jacob gave her a chased kiss on the side of her mouth.
"Jacob nothing's changed, I want to breakup." Said Connie as sternly as she could manage.
"Would you still want to breakup if I told you Grace has changed her mind?" Smiled Jacob.
"Its nothing to do with Grace!" Insisted Connie. "Why are you smiling it's not funny!"
"Connie, Grace told me what she said to you...that she made you choose...She also told me that as long as I promised to still be her friend then it'd be ok if you wanted to be my girlfriend." Said Jacob pleased with himself.
"She said that?" Said Connie not quite believing him.
"Yes I did." Said Grace still half asleep. "I love you mum. Sorry for making you sad."
"I love you to sweetheart." Said Connie stroking her daughter's hair. " You both look tired...go and get some rest and you can come visit in the morning....ok?" Connie said.
"You ok?" Asked Jacob concerned why Connie was trying to get rid of them.
"Yes, I'm just feeling warn out....and..." Said Connie looking down at Grace trying desperately to keep her eyes open.
Jacob leaning in closer to Connie, "Anything for you sweet cheeks." Said Jacob before he lightly kissed her again, this time she though she kissed him back.
Jacob went round the bed to pick Grace up. She grumbled when he tried to move her, he lifted her up easily and she latched on to him like a koala.
"We'll see you in the morning." Smiled Jacob.

It was gone 10.30 when Jacob and Grace returned to the hospital, they were please to see Connie sat up in bed looking a lot brighter with colour in her cheeks.
"Mum!" Said Grace smiling, running in and jumping on the bed to give Connie a hug.
"Hey okay?"
"I'm ok...Jacob's been looking after me...we did camping in his living room...He said we can go proper camping when your better!" Said Grace happily.
"Oh did he now." Said Connie looking at Jacob with a raised eyebrow but not being able to hide the smile growing on her face.
"We brought you some things from yours...pj's and toiletries." Said Jacob holding up an overnight bag.
"Thanks...but I hope you brought me some clothes...I can't wait to get out of here!" Said Connie smiling.
"Their letting you out?" Asked Jacob surprised.
"Yep...well there's one condition...but yes I can go...I've got to say till after dinner and have my blood pressure done again." Said Connie looking pleased with herself.
"What's the condition mum." Asked Grace.
"Well...I need Jacob's help...if he doesn't mind...."
"Anything...what do you need?" Said Jacob without hesitation.
"My doctor said I could be discharged if I have someone to keep an eye on me for a couple of would you mind staying over at mine?" Explained Connie.
"It would be my pleasure." Said Jacob.
"Yeay...Will you bring your Wii?" Grace asked Jacob. "That way mum can see its me that's the Super Mario champion!"
"Your on Mini Beauchamp...bring on the rematch!" Said Jacob giving Grace a high five.
"What's all this?" Asked Connie feeling left out.
"Jacob said he was better at super Mario than's not true...I've won every time...he says he lets me win but I don't believe him!"

It was later in the afternoon than expected but Connie was out of bed, dressed and being handed her discharge papers along with a box of tablets.
"Only take them if you need them." Said the doctor. "If you find their not helping with the recommended dose come back in!"
"Thank you doctor."
The three of them walked out slowly letting Connie set the pace with her arm linked with Jacob's and Grace walking in front.
"We'll have to call at mine." Said Jacob pressing a kiss to the side of Connie's head. "I'll need a few things and your daughter will want her ok for a bit?"
"Yes fine...did she pack light?" Asked Connie grinning knowing full well what the answer will be.
"You've got to be kidding...She brought her whole bedroom I think...I nearly put my back out carrying the bags!" Exaggerated Jacob.
"Thank you for taking care of her..." Said Connie. Jacob looked down at her, a serious expression on his face. "You don't need to thank me Con, I wanted to look after Grace for you...and well...if you'll let me...I'd like to keep looking after her...after both of you...I know what you'll say...' you don't need looking after'..."
Connie stopped him with a quick kiss. "I'd like that." She told him with a shy smile. "We'll talk after Grace goes to bed."

They arrived at Jacob's and he carefully guided Connie to sit at the dinning table because all the cushions were still off the chairs.
"Wow, what on earth happened in here?!" Asked Connie taking in the sight before her.
"Its our camp!" Said Grace proudly.
Jacob grinned. "Go pack you things up in the spare room...n leave the bags where you fill em..." he shouted after her. "I'll grab em...they'll pull you down the stairs if you try!" He finished causing Connie to chuckled as she watched him move around the room picking up blankets and pillows.
He found a bag, carefully putting his Nintendo Wii and all its accessories inside.
"Jacob!" Shouted Grace from upstairs.
"Yes princess?"
"I'm packed, you can come a get my bags... and don't forget to pack the console!" She answered back.
Jacob looked Connie while pointing at the stairs. "She gets that from you, you know!"
Connie laughed again as Jacob took off up stairs to Grace.
He'd put Grace's bags in the boot and gone back upstairs to pack a handful of his things, just enough for the next two days and put them in the car before he came back in for Connie. "Right...come on then you two, let's get you home."

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