Chapter Seventeen

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It was the day after the big announcement and Connie was in the bedroom just looking at herself in the full length mirror. A small smile crept onto her face, she stood there in her underwear with a hand on her belly.
"Jacob!" Connie shouted. She listened to Jacob moving around in their ensuite. "You bellowed -" He started but was stopped in his tracks. "Well hello there beautiful!" Smiled Jacob.
Connie smiled back at him. "Come look." She ordered.
"Oh trust me I'm looking." Leared Jacob.
"Stop being a pig and come here!" Chuckled Connie.
Jacob walked over, putting his hands on her hips and rested his head on her shoulder. He looked at her in the mirror. "What can I do for you sweet cheeks?"
Connie just smiled at him, without saying a word she took hold of his hands and placed them gently over the small bump of her abdomen. Jacob's eye went wide as he realized what she was showing him.
"When did that happen?" Asked Jacob grinning.
"Errr, about thirteen weeks ago." Laughed Connie.
"Haha...I meant....that wasn't there yesterday!" Jacob said pointing to the definite dump on Connie's usually flat stomach. "I'm so happy Connie." Jacob seemed to be mesmerized.
Connie turned around in his arms, standing on her tip toes she kissed him gently. Running her hands up his bare chest and over his shoulders, Connie deepened the kiss causing a growl to come from the back of Jacob's throat.
Jacob ran his hands down Connie's side over her hips and down the back of her legs, lifting her he carried her over to the bed.
Jacob sat down on the bed so Connie was sat on his lap.
"Grace will be waking up soon." Whispered Connie between kisses.
"We better be quick then!" Grinned Jacob carefully rolling over so Connie was underneath him.

The weeks crept by slowly, Connie and Jacob spent time clearing out the spare bedroom ready for decorating. They had decided to hold off on painting for three more weeks till their 20 week scan where they would find out the sex of the baby.
"Grace are you nearly ready sweetheart." Shouted Connie.
"Just coming." Said Grace putting books into her school bags as she came down the stairs. Connie pulled up outside Grace's school. "We're still going shopping for a cot after school aren't we? Asked Grace.
"We certainly are....I can't wait. Have a good day Gracie, I love you." Said Connie.
"Love you too mum."
Grace jumped out of the car and Connie made her way to work.

Connie and the rest of the E.D staff had been rushed off their feet all morning, it got to 1p.m. when Jacob caught up with her.
"Hey beautiful, how are you doing?" Asked Jacob concerned. "You look warn out....have you eaten yet?"
"No, not's manic out there." Said Connie pointing to reception. "Nobody's stopped yet."
"Connie you need a break, your four and a half months pregnant, they'll understand!" Insisted Jacob.
"Okay, I'm going now." Connie gave Jacob a kiss and headed for the staff room.
Just as Connie got out of ear shot, Elle approached Jacob. "Where the hell does she think she's going!"
"For a well deserved overdue break!" Snapped Jacob.
"She thinks she's lady muck sauntering around here, there's staff that work longer hours that haven't had a break yet and off she goes without even asking!" Hissed Elle. "God knows what your doing with her, the Jacob I knew wouldn't have touched her with a barge pole!"
"Watch your month Elle, I know you don't like Connie but now your been down right nasty. I insisted she take a break because just in case you've forgotten, Connie's carrying my baby!" Raged Jacob. "I don't care if you are in charge round here, there's no need to treat people the way that you do!"
"That's why your with her isn't it?....she's trapped you! herself pregnant!....your to loyal for your own good!" Said Elle viciously.
"You really have lost it!" Said Jacob shaking his head as he walked away. "Don't think I won't report you....this place has started circling the drain since you took over!"

Jacob walked into the staff room to check his phone, he was worried about Connie. She had left to pick Grace up without saying goodbye, something she always did even if it was just a wave. It was 20past three and he'd got two missed calls on his phone, both from the school so he rang them back straight away.
"Hello, my names Jacob Masters....I've had two missed everything alright with Grace............what do you mean........right someone with her.........Okay, someone will be there shortly.......tell Grace not to worry.......thank you."
Jacob hung up and dash out of the staff room and bumped straight into Zoe. "Jacob slow down!"
"Have you seen Connie?" Demanded Jacob looking frantic.
"Half hour ago maybe, talking with Elle by the stairs, why?" Asked Zoe.
"She didn't turn up to pick Grace up, I don't know where she is! Zoe I'm worried somethings happened!" Panicked Jacob.
Charlie came over to the pair. "Did I just hear right? Connie's missing!" He asked.
"Ye...we need to check the C.C.T.V." Said Jacob.
"I'll go fetch Grace." Offered Zoe.
"Thank you." Said Jacob before he headed behind the reception desk with Charlie.
"Can you pull up the security camera that covers the stairs, take it back about half hour." Charlie told Noel.
Noel did what was asked straight away. "What are we looking for?"
"I need to know which way Connie went, she's missing!" Said Jacob nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"There she is!" Said Noel pointing to the monitor.
"And there's Elle!" Said Jacob seething.
"Why are you so worried if she's with Elle?" Asked Charlie.
"Because Elle's got it in for Connie, she's been getting worse just lately." Jacob told them.
"Look! Elle's following Connie down that corridor." Said Noel. "Why would they be going down there? It's only the basement."
"OH GOD!" Hissed Jacob talking off in the same direction.

What if it wasn't the prisoner that held Connie hostage........

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