Chapter Nineteen

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Connie pulled her arm free from the guard and ran straight to Jacob's side.
"Jacob! Let me see...." Said Connie trying to check his arm.
"Connie it's fine! Just a scratch." Said Jacob pushing himself up off the floor.
Jacob stood watching Elle being taken away by the police.
"Don't trust her Jacob!" Shouted Elle. "Once a cheat, always a cheat!"
Charlie came rushing down down the corridor. "You two ok? What happened?"
"Connie needs checking over." Said Jacob quietly.
"Jacob I'm fine, you need your arm looking at!" Worried Connie.
"Come on both of you, let's get you to cubicles." Said Charlie ushering them both away.

Connie laid back on the bed while Charlie scanned her abdomen. "Everything looks ok with baby, did she hurt you?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine....just a little shaken up....where's Grace did someone go to fetch her?" Asked Connie.
"Grace is fine, she's with Zoe....What happened down there?" Inquired Charlie, he could see something was bothering her.
"Elle wanted me and the baby out the way... She thought if there was no baby Jacob would go to her.....She was going to hurt my baby Charlie....I had to say it!" Sobbed Connie.
"Say what?"
"Elle made me tell Jacob that I'd cheated....that this baby wasn't his....I think he believes it....he wouldn't look at me....he wouldn't let me help him....Elle wanted Jacob to hate me and I think it worked!" Said Connie.
"I'm sure he doesn't think anything of the sort, your both in shock right now....try not to get yourself worked up....we need to get your heart rate and blood pressure down its a little high." Charlie informed her.
"Is Jacob ok? I need to see him." Connie told him.
"Look if you promise to stay put and rest I'll go and find him." Offered Charlie.
Connie nodded. "Tell him I love him."
Charlie gave her a small smile and pulled the curtain round the cubicle as he left.

A few cubicles down Charlie found Jacob getting his arm dressed. "How's the arm?" Asked Charlie.
"No major damage...How's Connie? How's the baby?" Asked Jacob.
"There both fine, I've prescribed bed rest for a day or two, she's a little worked up which is understandable....Connie's worried about you....She wanted me to tell you she loves you." Said Charlie. Jacob just nodded without saying a word so Charlie continued. "Connie told me want she said to you."
"Not now Charlie please...I'll get sorted here and go see her -" "you do know she didn't mean it don't you?" Interrupted Charlie.
"What?" Frowned Jacob.
"She's laid a few cubicles down thinking you believed what Elle said.....that you believed what Elle made her say." Explained Charlie.
"What! That's didn't even cross my mind as being remotely true...why would she think that?" Asked Jacob.
"Oh, I don't know....maybe because you've as good as blanked her since it happened." Charlie told him.
"Charlie I didn't believe a word of''s all my fault that Connie was in that situation in the first should never have got that far!" Said Jacob feeling guilty.
"I'm not following."
"I should have seen this coming." Said Jacob shaking his head. "Can I go?" He asked the nurse dressing his arm. When she nodded Jacob climbed off the bed.
"Where is she?" Jacob asked Charlie.
"Cubicle three."
Jacob headed off to find Connie. He pulled open the curtain to cubicle three but Connie wasn't there. "Charlie?....she's not here...." shouted Jacob.
Charlie came walking up. "I told her to stay put!"

Jacob and Charlie searched the E.D but couldn't find Connie anywhere.
"As anyone seen Connie!" Jacob shouted from the nurses station. He was met by shaking heads and 'no, sorry'. Panic was starting to rise in him again when he noticed the light on in her old office.
He opened the door and there she was, stood with her back to him looking down at the desk. She pushed a few papers about before she turned round. "Jacob?" She whispered.
Jacob walked towards her and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so so sorry sweet cheeks." He said holding her close.
"You have nothing to apologize's me that should be sorry! What I said it wasn't true Jacob....I had to say it...She would have hurt our baby....I couldn't let her do that....I would never cheat on you....please say you believe I would never do that to you....please!" Connie began to cry again.
"I didn't believe it for one minute Connie....not for a second....I knew straight away what she was up to.....that's why I'm sorry.....she's been acting strange for a few weeks now....the things she's been saying to me....I should have known....I should have protected you better....Will you forgive me?" Begged Jacob.
"There's nothing to forgive couldn't have known any of this....please don't blame yourself!" Said Connie.
Jacob lent down and kissed her, as he did he wiped away her tears with his thumbs. When they broke apart Jacob took hold of Connie's hand. "Come sit down....Charlie said you should be resting."
They sat down on the sofa and Connie rested her head on his shoulder. "What do you think will happen to her?" Asked Connie.
"I hope they throw away the key!" Said Jacob looking down at her and resting his hand gently on her swollen belly.
"Your going to have to stop scaring me like this need to learn to stay out of harms way."
Connie sniffed then let out a small chuckle. "You make it sound like I do it on pur -" Connie stopped and moved her hand to her belly.
Jacob noticed and sat up. "What is it?....shall I get help?!"
" passed me your hand." Instructed Connie. She place Jacob's hand underneath hers. "Do you feel that?" She asked smiling up at him.
"He's kicking!.....I feel it!" Exclaimed Jacob with a huge grin on his face. "It feels like a butterfly in there!" Laughed Jacob.
"He? Where did that come from?" Asked Connie still smiling at him.
"I'm just guessing that's all.....I don't have a you?" Asked Jacob.
"I don't mind either....I can't wait to find out though....we'll be able to get the nursery painted.....and start shopping!" Grinned Connie.
"Come on let's go find Grace, she'll be worried about you....we can call for takeout on the way home." Said Jacob standing up and helping Connie to her feet.

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