Chapter Sixteen

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Jacob let himself in to the house, he just had time to hang up his coat and bag when a pair of arms came crashing around his waist.
"Woaw there princess, you nearly sent me flying!" Chuckled Jacob.
Grace didn't say a word, she just hung onto him tightly.
Jacob looked up to see Connie leaning on the kitchen door frame watching them, she smiled and nodded to Jacob to let him know that Grace knew.
"What going on here then Grace?" Asked Jacob as he prised her arms from around him.
Kneeling down in front of Grace, Jacob gave her a proper hug.
"I love you Jacob." Said Grace.
"I love you you to sweetheart." Jacob told her with a smile.
"And will you still love me when the baby comes?"
"What sort of question is that?! Of cause I will still love you Grace!"
"That's what mum said but I just wanted to check." Grace told him. "Come on, we made a special dinner." Grace took hold of Jacob's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

After Connie put Grace into bed she came back downstairs and straddled Jacob's lap. "Well hello there Mrs Beauchamp." Grinned Jacob putting his hands on her waist.
She smiled down at him and gave him a kiss.
"So how did Grace take the news?....I got the feeling she wasn't to keen to start with." Said Jacob.
"She didn't take it to well, no. There was tears! She thought we were trying to replace her." Said Connie with a frown. "She thought that you wouldn't love her because she's not really yours. "
"Well that explains why she nearly knocked me off my feet when I walked in." Said Jacob. "Should I talk to her?" He asked.
"It's up to you. I told her that wouldn't happen and I think she understands now....she was just scared." Connie told him.
"As long as she realises that we won't love her any less." Said Jacob kissing Connie.
"Jacob -" "mmmm?" Murmured Jacob focused on his kisses. "I fancy a early night." Smiled Connie.
"Yes boss!" Exclaimed Jacob lifting Connie up into his arms causing her to squeal.

The next morning Connie and Jacob were talking quietly in the staff room when their colleagues started to drift in.
" guys!" Shouted Jacob trying to get their attention. "Me and Connie have an announcement to make." Jacob put his arm around Connie's waist.
"No! No...that's not it." Jacob jumped in to stop the misunderstanding but added
quietly. "....Well not yet anyway."
"I'm pregnant." Said Connie quickly, trying to hide the fact that she had heard what Jacob had just said.
They were greeted by a chorus of congratulations, well done, so happy for you both, great news. Hugs and handshakes were exchanged, Connie was amazed at how differently the staff treated her since she had stepped down as clinical lead.
Connie had just accepted a hug from Robyn when the sound of someone clearing their throat came from behind her.
"Are we planning on getting any work done today?" Asked Elle causing the room to quickly empty just leaving Connie and Jacob.
"Well?" Asked Elle again.
"Actually, we wanted a word if that's ok?" Said Connie refusing to let Elle sour her mood.
"Quickly then, I busy and so should you be!" Snapped Elle.
"Okay....I'm pregnant, 13 weeks." Said Connie, she felt Jacob move to stand beside her. "I thought you should know....I'll be needing temporary cover when the time comes, I want to take the full amount of maternity leave available. I'm not sure when I'll want start but I'll give you plenty of notice." Said Connie keeping a professional tone.
"Whatever, get back to work." Bit Elle. "You've caused enough disruption for one day."
Connie walked off smiling happily to herself.
"What the hell happened to you?!" Jacob said looking at her with disgust. "You used to be a nice person!"
Jacob walked off leaving Elle alone.

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