Chapter Twenty Three

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Connie was settled on he bed in a hospital grown holding onto Jacob's hand as another contraction ripped through her. "It's ok sweet cheeks, I've got you...nice deep breaths." Said Jacob wincing at the force of Connie's grip.
Connie collapsed back onto the pillow as the pain subsided. "Don't start patronizing me Jacob or things will turn ugly, fast." Said Connie smiling letting him know she didn't really mean it. She accepted a kiss from Jacob before he used a cold cloth to dab the sweat from her brow. "That feels good...thank you." Said Connie with exhaustion in her voice.
There was a knock at the door and Zoe walked in. "Hi, how's it going?"
"Getting there...any sign of my midwife yet?" Asked Connie.
" far apart are the contractions?"
"Two...three minutes." Said Jacob.
"I'm afraid it's a little late for any substantial pain relief...I can get some entonox set up for you." Offered Zoe.
Connie shuck her head as she moaned and squeezed Jacob's hand. "Zoe..." she panted. "I'm why passed all that...I feel like I need to push!"
"Let me take a look...see how dilated you are." Said Zoe helping Connie prop up her legs. "Ok, Connie...push when your ready...this is all moving along quite quickly, when did you say your contractions started?"
"Last night." Mumbled Connie hoping Jacob hadn't heard.
"Last night!...why didn't you say something!...why on earth did you come to work!" Exclaimed Jacob.
His answer was another grown as Connie bared down trying to push out their baby. He watched her in amazement at the sheer determination on her face. "I love you sweet cheeks." He told her as he used his free hand to wipe her face again.
"One more push and baby's head will be out." Zoe told them smiling.
"You hear that beautiful, your nearly there." Said Jacob trying to be encouraging.
"I'm giving birth Jacob, I'm not DEAF!" Snapped Connie as her face creased in pain and the urge to push took over again, this time Jacob growned with her as she squeezed his hand so much he was sure there'd be broken bones.

The E.D staff gathered around outside Connie's room and smiled as the sound of a new born baby's cries filled the corridor.

Connie laid there smiling down at the little boy in her arms.
"Do you want to cut the cord Jacob?" Asked Zoe smiling bringing him out of his daze.
"Erm...Ye...sure." He said taking some scissors handed to him.
The door opened and the midwife rushed in. "I'm so sorry Connie...there was complications upstairs...but it looks like you've been in safe hands."
"I certainly have." Smiled Connie. "Thank you Zoe."
"No problem, like let your midwife take over...I'll let this lot out here know the good news." Said Zoe taking her leave.
Jacob went back to Connie's side and gently stroked their sons head. "He's amazing Connie...I love you both so much." He said kissing the top of her head.
"Shall we get baby cleaned up?" Asked the midwife taking hold and placing him on the weighing scales. "Seven pounds nine ounces...a very healthy weight." She told the happy couple.
"Has someone gone to get Grace?" Asked Connie with a small grown.
"Charlie ok Con?" Answered Jacob.
The midwife looked over. " baby for me." She told him. "Looks like the placenta is on its way."

When Grace arrived she stood gobsmacked in the doorway. "You told me yesterday I had three more weeks to wait before I met my brother!" She said as she moved to the bedside taking in the scene before her. Her mum holding a beautiful sleeping baby and Jacob with his arms around them. She lent on Jacob to get a closer look. "Wow." She said stroking her brothers hand. "What's his name?"
Connie nodded to Jacob that he could tell her. "Grace we'd like you to meet James William Masters." He smiled.
"Hello James." Said Grace. "Nice to finally meet you."

Connie and James where taken up to maternity so they could get checked over while Jacob and Grace went home to collect somethings, they were hoping to be able to go home this evening all being well.
"What's that?" Asked Grace from the bedroom doorway. She spotted Jacob trying to hide something in his pocket.
"Erm...this?...oh...Erm, well come sit down." Said Jacob patting the side of the bed. When Grace joined him he handed her the small box from his pocket.
Opening it she saw the most beautiful ring. "Is this for mum?" She asked looking up at him.
"Yes, it is...I'd like to marry her... I mean if that's ok with you?" Asked Jacob tentatively.
Grace just shrugged and closed the box, she passed it back to Jacob and started to walk from the room.
"Grace!...Wait....What's wrong?...I thought you'd be happy -" "Why would I be happy to be the odd one out?" She said before going downstairs.
Jacob followed her and when he caught up to her in the kitchen he asked. "Grace?...what do you mean?"
"Well if you and mum get married I'll be the only Beauchamp, you'll all have the same surname! I'd be the odd one out!" Explained Grace with tears in her eyes.
Jacob pulled her into a hug. "Grace, if your mum agrees there's no guarantee she will change her name, she doesn't have to. I mean I'd be happy if she did...but it's her choice. We can change your surname to, Grace." He explained.
Grace looked up and smiled at Jacob. "You mean I could be a Master's to? Like my brother?"
"Sure, we'd have to run it past your mum first though...what if she doesn't want to get married or change her name?" Asked Jacob.
"Of course she'll marry you silly." Chuckled Grace.

Jacob and Grace arrived back at the hospital, they saw Connie sat on the bed fully dressed holding James. She smiled at them as they approached.
"Mum! Guess what! Jacob said -" "Grace, no!" Shouted Jacob but it was to late. Grace blurted it out. "- I could change my name to when you to get marri - oops!" Her hand flew over her mouth as she realised what she'd done. "Sorry Jacob." She said her eyes pleading with Jacob to not be angry.
"Jacob?" Frowned Connie. "What's she talking about?"
"Well..." Said Jacob shaking his head at Grace with a smirk, letting her know she wanted in trouble. "...this wasn't exactly what I was planning." He moved over and sat beside Connie on the bed pulling Grace with him. "I...I love you so much Connie and our family...I can't imagine being without you...I can't remember what it was like not to love you...I never thought I'd find this kind of happiness...would you do me the honour of being my wife...Will you marry me?" Asked Jacob as he nervously out the ring box in his hand.
Connie smiled through the happy tears and nodded. "Yes." She said and held out a shaky left hand for Jacob to put the ring on.
They leaned together to share a tender kiss careful of their son between them.
"I love you." Jacob told her again wiping the tears from her face.
"I love you too." Said Connie. She then turned to Grace. "Now what was that about changing your name?" Connie asked smiled.
"She didn't want to be left out...I told her it was up to you...that you might not even want to take my name." Said Jacob jumping in quickly not wanting there to be any misunderstanding.
Connie looked at Jacob. "You'd think that I wouldn't?" She asked confused.
"I didn't know...Mrs Beauchamp is a legend...I guess I just...I don't know what I thought...I didn't want to assume..." struggled Jacob.
"Of course I'd take your name...Mrs Beauchamp is ready to hang up her heals." Connie chuckled at the shock on Jacob's face.
"I don't mean literally, the louboutin's are here to say...I just think Dr Masters as a nice ring to it...don't you?" She smiled.
"Dr?" Asked Jacob not quite putting the pieces together.
"Well...that was the deal wasn't it? I'm only keeping the new clinical leads seat warm till I go on maternity leave...I'm a consultant when I go back to work." Explained Connie.
"Your still sure about that?" Frowned Jacob.
"Very." She said kissing him again. "So, should we make an appointment to get your name changed?" She asked Grace smiling.
"Yes please!"
Charlie walked over. "Well doesn't that make a pretty picture." He said as he watched the three of them hugging.
"Charlie...Will you take our photo?" Asked Grace handing him her phone.
"Sure. Say cheese." Directed Charlie as he clicked.

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