Chapter Four

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Connie walked through the front door and leaned heavily on the wall.
"You ok babe?" Asked Jacob concerned. He put his arm around her waist helping her stand.
"Headache." She groaned rubbing her temples.
"I knew I should have put my foot down, it wouldn't have hurt to stay in hospital one more night!" Said Jacob feeling frustrated.
"Oh please don't start fussing...I don't need people fussing ok!" Demanded Connie.
"Okay, whatever you say....Go sit down...I'll bring your tablets." Insisted Jacob before going back outside to get the their bags.
Grace already had the bag with the Wii. "Will you take that into the kitchen for now, your mum needs a minute. We'll get these bags unpacked then how about me n you see if we can rustle up some food." Jacob smiled at Grace hoping she wouldn't worry about her mum.
"Erm...can we make something special for mum?" Grace asked.
"We certainly about homemade pasta?" Asked Jacob.
Jacob carried up Grace's two bags to her room. "Right make sure you put all this stuff away. I'm going to put my stuff in the spare room."

Jacob took Connie a glass of water into the room so she could take a tablet but she had already fallen asleep. She was stretched out across the sofa with her head resting on a small cushion. Jacob closed the curtains and laid the blanket from the back of the chair over her.
"Sweet dreams." He said kissing her cheek.
"Is mum ok?" Whispered Grace.
"She'll be fine, it's just going to take a little time to get her strength back." Jacob told Grace as he ushered her out the room closing the door behind them. "Lets make that pasta."

Jacob and Grace had been in the kitchen cooking for about an hour and there was still no sign of Connie waking up so they started to eat without her.
"I've never made tomato sauce tastes so good...mum will love it." Exclaimed Grace.
"It tastes so good cos I had a good helper." Jacob told her which earned him a huge grin from Grace. "If we're quite we can set up the Wii after we've finished...if you want...we don't have to..." Said Jacob teasing her.
"Yes please! I'll be so quiet, I promise!"
Jacob chuckled has he ate more of his food. "Eat up or there'll be no rematch mini Beauchamp." Said Jacob pointing with his folk at Grace's plate.

The games console was set up by Jacob with barely a sound and the tv was on mute. They sat on the floor with their back to the sofa where Connie was still sleeping, they whispering to each other and giggled quietly as they played.
Connie laid there watching them compete against each other, she didn't want to let them know she had woken up. She was happy to just observe the scene before her, they were getting along so well she thought.
They'd only been playing for 20 minutes when Grace forgot herself and cheered. "Ssshhh...You'll wake your mum!" Jacob said quietly not know she already was. He turned around to see her smiling at him.
He returned the smile sheepishly. "Sorry."
"It's ok, I've been awake for a while...just enjoying the view." Said Connie.
"Mum your awake!" Said Grace jumping up and gave her a hug. "Are you hungry? Jacob helped me make's really nice!" Connie laughed.
"Who helped who?" She asked Grace.
"Ok.Ok....Jacob made it and I helped...I helped a lot though!"
"That you did princess." Agreed Jacob. "I'll go get some." He said leaving the room.

When he returned Connie was sat up with the blanket wrapped around her legs, Grace was sat beside her still playing on the computer.
Jacob passed Connie her food. "No wonder I can't beat you! Your practicing with out me!" Whined Jacob when saw Grace.
Sitting back down on the floor by Connie's legs, Jacob picked up the other controller. "Right now I'm not playing anymore, this means war...your going down!"
The two of them continued to fight it out for another half hour while Connie steadily made her way through her food. She reached over and put her plate on the table. "Thank you both, that was lovely." She said. "Finish that game and then it's bedtime Grace."
"Oww, mum...a bit long pleaseee." Begged Grace.
"If you mum sez it's bedtime then it's bedtime." Jacob insisted.
Ookkayy...goodnight mum, goodnight Jacob." Said Grace giving them both a hug.
After Grace went upstairs Jacob joined Connie on the sofa, she cuddled into him immediately resting her head on his shoulder and he held her close.
"How's your head?" Asked Jacob.
"It's not to bad...there's a dull ache at the back...nothing like earlier....I'm glad Grace changed her mind...I'm not sure I could have stayed away from you." Confessed Connie. "The thought of not being with you..." Connie held onto Jacob's hand.
"I told you while you were unconscious and I'll tell you again now, I wouldn't be giving up on you and I meant you probably wouldn't have had much of a choice...I've forgotten what it was like to not have you and Grace in my life...I can't go back...I won't go back!" Jacob said as he stroked her arm.
"So does that mean you still want me to be your girlfriend then?" Asked Connie with a grin.
"Most definitely." Jacob lent down to kiss her, it was slow and gentle and full of love.
"Who'd have thought we'd be this...remember when we first didn't even like me....annoying I think you called me." Said Jacob.
Connie shrugged. "I did like you...a lot....that's why I pushed you away....but you kept coming back...flirting...and sometimes I couldn't help but flirt back...your a persistent man Staff Nurse Masters and I'm glad." Connie said tightening her grip on his hand.
"I confess, I enjoyed the chase...but nothing can come close to being sat here holding you in my arms."
"It was fun wasn't it." Smiled Connie.
They sat there in silence for a few minutes before Connie spoke up. "Did you really tell Grace we'd take her camping!?"

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