Chapter Eight

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Just a short chapter, my mood has improved some what after seeing the trailer for next week episode, so I'm going to move things along a bit in the next chapters.

"GRACE!" Shouted Connie from the back door. She watched Grace sliding down from her tree house and run towards her.
"Yes mum?"
"It time to come in...go get a shower and put your pyjamas on." Said Connie.
"But muuumm...."
"No buts...I know it's still a little bit'll understand why go do what I asked." Insisted Connie.

Grace came back downstairs freshly showered and I her dressing gown, she stood in the kitchen doorway listening to her mum on the phone.
"No...I've not said anything yet....She's in the shower.............I don't mind you choose, just remember Hawaiian for Grace....." Connie smiled as she listened to the person on the other end of the phone. "I love you too.......ok.....see you soon." Connie hung up.
"Not said anything about what?" Asked Grace from behind Connie.
" made me jump." Connie smiled at her. "That was Jacob on the phone....he's bringing pizza."
"He's coming back?....but he said 'see you tomorrow'....." Grace was confused.
"I know but....we've talked....I asked him to stay a few more days....he went to get cleaned up at his and pick up some fresh clothes." Explained Connie.
Grace beamed at her. "And he's bringing pizza?"
"Yes, he's bringing pizza." Chuckled Connie.
"YESSS! Can we watch a film too." Asked Grace.
"Sure go pick something out." Said Connie as Grace ran to the living room. "Oh...and its back to school for you Monday." She added and smiled to herself as she heard a grumbling coming from Grace.

"Knock knock." Shouted Jacob walking through the front door, two rucksacks in one hand and pizza in the other.
He smiled as Grace came running out the living room. "Hey Jacob! I'm glad you came back...which is my pizza?"
"Hey mini you go...all yours." Said Jacob passing her a pizza box after dropping his bags by the door. "Where's your mum?"
"She's getting changed." Replied Grace walking off with her food.
Jacob took the other two pizzas into the kitchen and started looking through the draws.
"Searching for anything particular?" Asked Connie who wondered up and hugged him from behind.
"Cork screw?" Explained Jacob turning round in Connie's arms and kissing her. "Hey."
"Hey you." She answered smiling up at him.
"COME ON YOU TWO, FILMS GOING TO START!" Called Grace from the other room.
"Looks like we've had our orders." Said Jacob laughing.
"Looks like take the pizza...I'll get the wine and corkscrew." Connie told him.

The film finished and Connie looked down at a sleeping Grace who had cuddled up on her lap. "I don't have the heart to wake her." Said Connie stroking a few strands of hair behind Grace's ear.
"Do you want me to carry her up?" Asked Jacob.
"If you wouldn't mind." Replied Connie.
Jacob easily scooped Grace up from Connie's lap. "She's out for the count." Said Jacob quietly.
Connie went upstairs ahead of Jacob to pull back the sheets on Grace's bed. Once she was in bed Connie covered her up and kissed her goodnight.
Outside Grace's room Jacob pulled Connie into a hug. "So Mrs Beauchamp, what should we do now?"
"I have a few suggestions." Purred Connie.
"Do you now!" Smirked Jacob before kissing her deeply.
Jacob held her close as he started to walk Connie backwards down the hallway, not once breaking their embrace until the back of Connie's legs bumped into her bed. "I have a few ideas of my own." Murmured Jacob.
"I think we might be on the same page here Staff Nurse Masters." Said Connie lifting her legs to kneel on the bed. Jacob followed her actions as she edged backwards, moving into the centre of the bed. Connie wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down for another kiss.

Jacob laid on his side with head propped up on his hand looking down at Connie, his free hand drew invisible patterns on her bare shoulder.
"So did Grace tell you about what we talked about last night then?" Asked Connie.
"Ye, she did...only because she thought she'd upset you....I didn't know what to say." Admitted Jacob. A frown appeared on his face. "How did you know?"
"I told you before....nothing gets passed me! Not a very quick learner are you!" Teased Connie kissing him.

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