Chapter Fourteen

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It was 9 weeks to the day since Connie had told Jacob about the baby and they'd both booked the morning off for the dating scan.
Connie sat nervously holding Jacob's hand in the waiting room. "It'll be fine sweet cheeks, there's no need to worry." Smiled Jacob.
"I know, I'm not worried." Said Connie quickly.
"Then why are you fidgeting?" Asked Jacob.
"I need to pee!" Hissed Connie causing Jacob to chuckled. "Oh that's it you laugh...thanks a lot!" Connie snapped.
"I love you." Said Jacob.
"I love you too." Mumbled Connie trying not to smile at him.
"Connie Beauchamp?" Shouted a midwife.
Getting up they followed the midwife into an examination room. "Ok Connie, could up pop open the top button on your trousers and hop up onto the bed for me please."
Connie did as was asked and laid down, she took hold of Jacob's hand as the midwife put the cold gel on her stomach and started the ultrasound.
Jacob and Connie patiently waited for the midwife to complete her measurements.
"Right." Said the midwife with a smile. "Would you like to have a listen?"
"Yes....yes please." Said Jacob eagerly, Connie gave him a wide grin.
The room filled with the unmistakable thumping sound of a babies heartbeat. "Wow, now that sounds like a strong heartbeat." Said Jacob in wonder.
Connie felt a tear roll down her cheek, she was so happy. "It certainly does." She agreed.
The midwife smiled at them both. "I take it your in the medical profession." She said.
"Nurse." "Consultant." They said in turn.
"Ok, now let's get this monitor turned around." Said the midwife. "Everything thing looks fine, baby looks healthy and growing as expected....I'd say you were about 13 weeks along...does that fit with what you thought?"
"Yes." Said Connie with a watery smile.
"Oh my god...." Jacob stared at the image on the screen. "That's amazing...." Jacob kissed the side of Connie's head grinning at her. "We're having a baby!"
"Yes Jacob we are." Chuckled Connie.

When they left the maternity ward, Jacob and Connie walked hand in hand as they made their way slowly to work. Neither of them in any rush to get there.
"Am I allowed to tell the world now?" Asked Jacob beaming.
"What about telling Grace first, I really don't want her to find out from anyone else." Said Connie seriously.
"But I'm fit to burst Connie." Whined Jacob.
"Is this where as a loving couple we compromise?" Asked Connie playfully.
"I think it might be." Chuckled Jacob. "What do you suggest?"
"We tell someone we can trust to keep our secret for one more day, go home tell Grace and then when we come into work tomorrow...." offered Connie.
"I think that sounds fare." Said Jacob putting his arm around her. "And I know who that one person should be."
"CHARLIE!" They said in unison.
"I think it's only right we tell him before the other's." Said Jacob. "I know he's given me some valuable advice since I've been here."
"He's given me a lot of talkings to! You know he was the only one that had the bottle to stand up to me when I first arrived...he pushed me to open up." Confessed Connie.
"So it's decided then....we tell Charlie now and make an announcement tomorrow." Agreed Jacob.

After putting there things away in the lockers Connie and Jacob went to find Charlie. He was just stepping out of his office when they spotted him.
"Actually Charlie could you turn around, there's something we'd like to run pasted you." Said Jacob and motioned for Charlie to go back in his office.
"Sure." Frowned Charlie. "Is everything thing ok?"
"Yes...Everything's great Charlie." Said Connie. "We've actually just come to share our good news with you."
Jacob pulled a while envelope out of his pocket and passed it to Charlie. "It stays in this room though, we want to tell Grace first. We'll make an announcement tomorrow....." Said Jacob drifting off as he saw the smile appearing on Charlie's face.
"Your pregnant?" Asked Charlie looking at Connie. When she smiled and nodded Charlie rushed over to give her a hug.
"This is wonderful news, congratulations...its good to see you so happy." Whispered Charlie in Connie's ear before here stepped back. "I'm so pleased for you both." He gushed, turning around to face Jacob, Charlie went to shake his head but changed his mind. He pulled him into a hug, clapping Jacob on the back. "Your going to make a great father."
"Thanks Charlie." Said Jacob.

It was the end of Connie's shift so she went to find Jacob. "Hey sweet off?" He asked.
"Ye....I was wondering....would you mind if I told Grace on my own?"
"Of course not." Said Jacob giving her a gentle kiss. "Let me know how it goes...I'm sure she'll be happy about it."
Connie gave him a forced smile. "I hope so....I'll see you tonight."

Connie let Grace into the house. "Before you run off can I have a word?" Said Connie moving into the living room.
Grace sat next to her mum on the sofa. "Is everything ok mum?"
"Yes.....I have some news for's......well, how do you feel about being a big sister?" Asked Connie smiling.
Grace just sat there in silence.
"Your having a baby!" Stated Grace.
"Yes....would you like to see the picture?" Asked Connie hopefully.
"NO!" Shouted Grace and ran upstairs leaving Connie shocked and upset.

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