Chapter Twelve

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Connie never looked up from her hands, Jacob had been sat there quietly and she had taken his silence the wrong way. "I'm pregnant, Jacob....I'm sorry it's all my fault....after the accident I forgot to take my pill, I've been so -" "please don't be sorry.....we can do this!" Interrupted Jacob. "This is good news!"
Connie looked up to see Jacob grinning from ear to ear. "Your happy?"
"Of course I'm happy girl, I'm gunna be a dad....the woman I'm so madly in love with has just asked me to move in with and told me she's carrying my baby....I'm over the moon." Connie got up and started walking away. "Connie?" Jacob got up and started following her.
"Connie wait up....aren't you happy?" Jacob asked when he got closer.
She turned to face him. "I'm's just....I'm scared as well....aren't you scared? This is a big deal Jacob! We're having a baby!" Connie paled. "Oh god..." Connie turned to start walking off again but Jacob held on to her hand. "Jacob I'm pregnant!" Said Connie as if it had just sunk in.
Jacob pulled her into his arms holding her close as she quietly cried.

They walked back to Connie's car in comfortable silence until Connie chuckled. Jacob frowned and looked down at her. "Did I miss something?"
"Four weeks pregnant and I'm an emotional wreck, are you sure you don't want to run for the hills!" Smiled Connie.
"No chance! Your stuck with me I'm afraid." Said Jacob taking hold of her hand.
"I don't want Grace to know yet...if it's possible I'd like to wait till the first scan." Said Connie.
"Whatever you do you think she'll take the news?" Wondered Jacob.
"I've no idea...but I'm not going to worry about that now, I need to get her to forgive me first....I've been so horrible to you both these last few weeks. I'm so sorry Jacob." Said Connie.
"There's nothing to forgive beautiful. You've put it right now, that's all that matters." Jacob assured her. "Come on let's get you home, how does a nice warm bath and some lunch sound?"
"That sounds wonderful." Smiled Connie.

Freshly out of the bath Connie walked into the kitchen to find Jacob wiping down the work tops. "Well I feel better for that." Said Connie sitting down at the table.
Jacob brought her over a sandwich. "You seem a lot brighter." Jacob told her placing a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm gunna have to go to work soon...Will you be ok?" Asked Jacob.
"I'll be fine....I think I'll go and get some food in before I pick Grace up from school." Said Connie taking a bit from her sandwich. "When were you thinking of bringing your things over?"
"The weekend....I'll give notice to my landlord today....Your definitely sure about this?" Asked Jacob.
" seems ridiculous you spending all your time here going backwards and forwards for your things....and I know Grace will be pleased....and with the baby coming, it makes sense....and well there's the other thing as well..." "and what might that be?"
"I love having you here." Connie smiled shyly.
"I love being here sweet cheeks."

They finished their food and Jacob went to get ready for work, when he returned Connie was stood at the sink washing up their pots. He came up behind Connie and wrapped his arms around her. "I can't wait to do this and have a dump to rest my hands on....Your going to look so beautiful." Jacob kissed the side of the neck.
"You won't be saying that when I'm fit to burst and cranky!" Laughed Connie.
"Well I've have plenty of practice with you being cranky." Teased Jacob.
Connie turned around in his arms scowling at him. "I'm going to give you two seconds to take that back!" Threatened Connie.
"Or what?" Laughed Jacob. Connie's hand flew up and wiped soap suds over his face.
His shocked expression caused Connie to start laughing.
Jacob picked up the tea towel and cleaned his face off smiling at Connie. "I better get going, I don't want to be late... now I don't have a powerful clinical lead watching my back." Smirked Jacob, giving Connie a passionate kiss and heading for the door.
Connie shouted after him.

Connie stood learning against the side of her car waiting for Grace to come out of school. She smiled as she watched Grace talking with her friends.
When Grace saw Connie had come to pick her up she said goodbye to her friends and ran towards her.
"Mum! Why aren't you at work?" Asked Grace confused.
"Well....first of all....I want to apologize to you, I've not been a very good mum these past few weeks and I'm sorry." Said Connie.
"It's ok mum, I understand that your very busy."
"No it's not ok! From now on things are going to be different...I've left my job as clinical lead and accepted a consultants position. It means I start work after I drop you at school and I'll be finished in time to pick you up....and here's the best bit...I don't work weekends any more." Explained Connie.
"But you love you job!" Said Grace.
"I love you a lot more....Come on let's go home." Said Connie giving Grace a hug.
"Does that mean we can go on trips at the weekends now?" Asked Grace liking the idea of spending time with her mum.
"Yes, sure why not....but not this weekend...Jacob needs our help this weekend." Said Connie.
"What with, is he building something again?" Asked Grace fastening her seatbelt.
"No, he's not building." Smiled Connie looking over at Grace. "He needs a hand moving his things into ours."
"Really....Really....he's moving in for real?!" Asked Grace excitedly.
"Really." Laughed Connie.

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