Octavian Returns!

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Piper: Who is it to make you type in all caps? Hercules? Zeus himself?

Percy: Even worse.

Jason: Your old stepdad?

Percy: Oh gods no, it's Octavian.

Annabeth: Isn't he supposed to be you know, dead?!

Luke: Well I was dead but I came back.

Hades: Don't get me started with you. The first week there he hits on Persephone, plays fetch with Cerberus, and got a group of souls to dance to thriller!

Hunter: Flirted with Persephone? Oh did he now?!

Nico: Can you just tell us why Octavian is here?! Why not keep him in the fields of punishment?

Hades: That boy complained so much the furies came to me and threatened to quit.

Hunter: Please don't tell me that he's staying here!

Hades: Oh Hades no, just for a day. To give me some peace and quiet. I can't just give the dead life more and more! It'd ruin my reputation!

Nico: Because ruler of the underworld is such a noble title.

Hades: I just need a couple of you to take Octavian to the mortal world for a day. Someone who is tolerant with little anger.

Hazel: Wow look at the time! I got to go do a thing!

Annabeth: *Steps back*

Hunter: Wait Ashley, you volunteered?

Ashley: Actually I'm going out for the day. Important demigod business.

Leo: Yup, it's very dangerous. Too much for even you to handle.

Hades: How about you and Nico, Hunter! You can even bring your special friend, Nico.

Nico: Dad stop.

Will: Hey, this might be fun! I'll get to hang out with my brother and go on a date.

Hunter: And I'll be third wheeling. Yay.  Unless Luke gets some guts and joins.

Luke: I'd love to go but I don't think having two formally dead people around is a good idea and besides I'm busy today.

Hunter: What, flirting with goddesses?

Luke: Unless it's you sweetie then no.

Hunter: You flirt.


Hunter: Well today wasn't a total bust. Now not only am I banned from Chuck e Cheese but I'm now banned from Build a Bear. Next stop: Disney World.

Percy: How?

Nico: One word, Octavian.

Hunter: We brought him to the mall and went to build a bear.

Piper: He didn't!

Will: He did but Hunter joined in at the last minute. The place was full of fuzz and bear caucuses after ten minutes. I managed to save Nico a  stuffed koala bear!

Octavian: Oops.............You might of said that too late.

Nico: Are you kidding me?!

Percy: I know how you feel dude.

Please vote and comment if you think this chapter deserved it! Also check out my role-play if you haven't already!

QOTD: What PJO/HOO character do you look the most like?

AOTD: Either Reyna or Piper but paler.

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