Jason vs Percy

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Jason: Who took my glasses?!

Piper: You probably lost them again for the fifth time today.

Jason: No, I set them down before I took a shower and now they're gone!

Piper: Wait since when did Percy get glasses?

Jason: PERCY?!


Jason: I can see clearly now.

Leo: The rain is gone.

Jason: It wasn't raining?

Leo: You need to get out more.

Jason: Hey Percy, missing something?

Percy: Um no?

Jason: Are you sure? Like something every demigod should have? You know, a sword.

Percy: Do you mean riptide? Yeah I have it.

Jason: REALLY? I mean I swore I saw a younger camper holding it.

Percy: Jason, riptide shows up in my pocket whenever I lose it.

Jason: Oh, well never mind then........


Jason: I lost my glasses again. Percy?

Percy: Dude, check your head.

Jason: Found them!

Piper: I'm dating this dork.

Jason: Hey!

Short chapter just to fill in my updates ^_^
QOTD: Jason or Percy

AOTD: Sorry Jason but I'd have to say Seaweed Brain

Don't forget to check out my roleplay!

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