And the winners are......

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Ashley: Due to an unanimous vote we have the winners in this voting box.

Hunter: Whoever has the most for each category wins

*starts to slowly open box when Leo runs in on fire*


Hunter: Watch out Leo!

It's too late to save the boxes from setting on fire.

Hunter: LEO!

Leo: Oops?

Ashley: But who was going to win?! LEO!

Hunter: Yes do to the fact that votes were very limited the pageant has been canceled or set on fire.

Ashley: We would say that everyone is a winner but the prize was a doughnut in which I ate.......


Ashley: Well off to your regularly scheduled program!


Jason: So I guess the pageant was canceled.

Hunter: Yep. Someone set it on fire *cough* Leo* cough*

Piper: Really Leo!

Leo: My bad!

Thalia: He probably wanted to sabotage the competition because he knew he wouldn't win.

Hunter: That explains why his girlfriend ate the prize.


Hunter: Each winner got a doughnut.

Ashley: I was hungry okay!?

Drew: Well I know I would of won everything. I'm not mad though. Do you know how unhealthy doughnuts are!?

Hunter: Actually most readers hate you.

Drew: They're just jealous.

Mikki: So Connor, want to show me your iceskating with your brother? XD

Travis: YOU TOLD!

Connor: SO DID YOU!

Percy: Annabeth can yodel?!

Annabeth: Shut up.

Hunter: You write poetry Luke?

Luke: Maybe.

Hunter: Hey Leo since your a magician can you make yourself disappear!? Don't come back though.

Leo: No! I could cut you in half if you'd like though.

Hunter: Don't even think about it.

Hello readers! I have decided on canceling the pageant due to the lack of comments voting and I wanted to write a real chapter. That's all!

QOTD: Do you watch anime, if so then what?

Ashley: Hunter got me into it and I just finished the Ouron Host club and am now watching Sword Art Online

Hunter: I watch it and at the moment is Hetalia

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