Chapter 1

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Scarlett’s POV:

“Scarlett hurry up or you’re going to miss your flight!” I heard my mum call up the stairs to me with demanding tone in her voice.

So today was the day, the day which I will be trading in the dull weather here in England for the beautiful sunshine in Madrid, Spain. You see a few weeks ago I got an unexpected phone call from the Modelling agency Global Models, explaining to me that they wanted me to work for them. I know crazy right? An average 21 year old like myself getting asked to work at a place like that is only something which would usually happen in my wildest dreams. But oh no this was no longer a dream of mine; this was in fact now reality.

Luckily for me I know someone in Madrid so it won’t be as scary as nerve-wracking moving over there. He is in fact a footballer and plays for Real Madrid funnily enough; Mesut Ozil. I met him a few summers ago in Germany when I had photo shoot. The two of us immediately clicked and ever since we’ve been as close as ever, you could even call us best friends. Each summer I either go to visit him or he comes to see me, so yeah I’m glad that I have him over in Madrid. The fact that he’s even agreed to let me stay with him until I get some money together from this whole modelling thing just makes it all that much better.

My suitcases were packed and the only items of clothing which weren’t packed I left out last night. So I took my denim shorts from my bed and held them either side of the waist band before putting slipping both of my legs inside and pulled them up, doing up the zip and button to finish. Then taking my top from the bed as well, I pulled it over my head and straightened it out as soon as it was on. Taking my necklace in my hands, I moved my hair out of the way and placed it around my neck, doing it up at the back. Finally I sat myself down the carpet below me and took myconverse in my hands, slipping each shoe onto my feet and doing them up in a small bow before standing up.

Looking around my room I realised just how much I’m going to miss this place. Not just the house or the bedroom but just England all together, the place I’ve grown up in all my life. And of course not forgetting my family, in a way I don’t know how I’m going to cope without them seeing as they have been there for me since that very second I was born. But I suppose moving to Madrid is the next chapter in my life, a chapter which I cannot wait to start.

Placing my sunglasses off of my bed onto the top of my head and placing my bag on my forearm, I made my way over to my many suitcases. Grabbing the handle to two of them, I began wheeling them out of my bedroom and along to landing until I reached the top of the stairs. Stepping down onto the next step I brought the suitcases along with me and carefully made my way down to find my mum, dad and little brother waiting for me.

“Is that it, or do you have more to bring down?” My dad asked me as he took the suitcases from me and placed them by the door.

“I have a couple more, I’ll just go and get them and then we can go.” I explained as I placed one foot on the next step up.

“No it’s fine love, you stay down here and I’ll just go and get them.” He smiled, patting my back before running up the stairs.

Looking up at my mum I made my way over to her, tears streaming down her face and her arms open wide. Dropping my bag down onto the floor quickly I wrapped my arms around her and she soon did the same. “I’m going to miss you so much Scar.” She cried in my ear. I promised myself last night as I lay in bed that I wouldn’t cry and I would be strong. But seeing my own mum cry in front of me always bring out my weak side so I couldn’t hold the tears in any longer.  

“I’m going to miss you so much mum, dad and Tom too. But just because I’m moving to Madrid it doesn’t mean I’m never going to see you again because of course I’m going to come back and visit you all. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” I laughed. At this point I felt my little brother Tom wrap his arms around both my mine and my mum’s waists so I removed one of my arms from around my mum and placed it around my brother.

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