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I was there today
With Dr. Mike

Here is where I am supposed to write
That he doesn't help me at all
That I talk and all he says is
"And how do you feel about that?"
Or treats me like I'm someone small

But if I said that, it would be a lie
When honestly he is an insanely brilliant guy
Who helps me more than any single person I have ever met
And lets me talk about anything in my head
While interjecting pieces of wisdom that I have yet to get

Today we talked about my poems
And how it makes me smile
To write what I feel
And to know
That other people enjoy them
As much as I do

In the 6 months that I have been going here
I have developed immensely
And though my illness still plagues me
I have (almost) learned to control it

So I will not lie
Say that therapy is horrible
Because it isn't
Not for everyone at least
And if that makes me lucky
Then I thank the stars
That it is this way for me

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