beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?

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Oh darling

Why do you look at yourself like that?

I can see the hate in your eyes

The way the mirror feeds you lies

You are so beautiful!

Ethereal even

Yet you continue to cover yourself with that disguise

(using the makeup to make up someone you deem "worthy" in their eyes)

Who endowed society with that level of power,

To be able to instill in you such immense insecurities?

Such lack of certainty in yourself?

You. Are. Exquisite.

As you are

You musn't believe anybodys conniving attempts

 To convince you otherwise

a/n: note~ I do not think that makeup is a bad thing particularily. I believe that it allows many people to feel more beautiful than they already are and it allows people to enhance what they have and to that I say CARRY ON! Go aead and enance your natural amazingness. But unfortunately, more and more people are starting to use it as a means to comepletely change their faces to create someone they think other people will approve of because society has set such unrealistic expectations. I don't approve of that, because it makes people hate the face that they were born with which is absolutely ridiculous. Everybody should love themselves and be comfortable with who they are. That's it. And yes that's a problem wit society but it will only get worse the more peple continue to try to alter themselves.

Sorry I just felt I needed to get that out xD again, not trying to say makeup is like the bane of existence or something, I just want people to love themselves and be content with themselves :)

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