i watched you leave but i have yet to see you come back

32 11 6

You hop on

And I watch through the windows as you make your way to a seat in the back

(Never a glance in my drection I might add)

And maybe as an after thought you pop your head out

Send me a tight a smile

A curt nod

And murmur  goodbye

While I stand there as you pull out of the station, waving until my arm feels as though it might break off

And I whisper my own goodbye long after your ears have sped away from the area that my sound waves can travel to


Now I spend my holidays

Every one of our birthdays

Waiting for a train to pull in that carries you with it

But it seems that as the seasons change

And their colors fade

(green, yellow, brown, grey)

You still find it within yourself to stay away

And yes when I saw you off that fateful day, I never really expected for you to come back


I had hoped that maybe your love for this summer heat would have reeled you in at least once or twice

(Like the fish you used to cast out for while you were here on vacation)

I see now though that's not the case

Yet I will continue to let

Every ray of sun

Every stray leaf

Every flake of snow

Every drop of rain

Glance off my skin

While I continue to await your return

~guys I am so sorry I haven't published anything for so long. Life has been a bit crazy and I've been in quite the slump but I wrote this based of the prompt of 'trains and seasons' and I know it isn't very good but it's the best I've got right now. Again, I'm sorry and I'll try to update more frequently.~

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