i am still gay, you will not change me

60 17 16

you still want me to bleed


you never want me freed


and if i were free, you'd make sure i never see the person i love


i regret to inform you that no amount of persecution will result in me changing who i am

or who i am born to love

so why waste your life attacking someone (several someones in fact) whom you have never met?

who has never caused you harm?

you willingly allow more prejudice to be forced onto your culture

when your culture is not responsible for the


of one individual




your carelessness to see reason

has left not only yourself

but many others


and so many more will be feeling the brutality that your grand show has invoked


~I just wanted to put this out there in dedication to those affected by the Orlando shootings. For anyone who doesn't know, on June 11, 2016 a man went into a gay club in orlando, florida, after pledging his allegiance to ISIS, and killed 50 and wounded 53 more. I had really hoped that we were maybegetting to the point where love was completely tolerated but I guess we still have a ways to go. Anyways, I love all of you and though I know this won't reach many eyes, I hope that those who do read it know that even in face of adversity we can prevail to be whoever, and to love whoever, we want <3~

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