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Two year old Willow comes running full speed from the hallway out to me in the living room.
"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy wants me to bring you to Rye's room!" She says grabbing my hand and urging me to get off the couch. I set down my coffee mug and stand.
"Oh! Ok, little duck. Why does daddy need me?" I ask. Her small, soft hand stays tucked in mine, as she leads me to Rye's nursery.

"He told me to keep it a secret until you saw." She says.
"And I'm not apose to tell you."

We turn into Rye's nursery and I see Peeta kneeling on the carpeted floor that's still stained from when Haymitch came over and spilled baby food everywhere. The morning sun shines brightly through the bedroom window.
Then I see my 10 month old Rye. He sits up on his own and bounces his hands against the floor. His golden blond curls look like they've grown over night.

"What's the news?" I ask looking down at Willow, Peeta, and Rye. Willow has the same brown hair as me, and is braided down her back.

"M-mommy!" Rye squeals and picks his foot up. I gasp.

"P-Peeta? Did Rye just?" I start.

"Yes! He did it when I set him on the ground. He just started saying mommy!" Peeta smiles, and I see his eyes watering just as they did at our marriage, and the children's births, and all the milestones that we go though. It reminds me that we are finally safe deep in our meadow. Away from Snow, the hunger games, and the Capitol. That all that's left are happy endings, and it makes me happy everyday that I'm with Peeta and my kids. The happiest person alive.

"M-m-mommmmy!" Rye yells again. I laugh and kneel down to my little cinnamon bun.

"That's right Rye! mommy! Good job!" I tell him brushing his soft baby cheek with my thumb.

His first word.

Rye raises his arms, and I pick him up. I hear is tiny stomach growl, and he starts to cry.

"How about some lunch?" Peeta suggests. I agree and Willow runs to the kitchen and waits for Peeta to put her in her highchair. I set the now crying Rye in his little highchair and pull out his bottle.

"Peeta? Can you get Willows food please?" I ask.

"Sure." He answers and asks Willow what she wants to eat.

The rebellion was four years ago. We decided to have Willow two years after the war, then Rye was born 10 months ago. It's amazing how fast time goes. It seems like just last week I told Peeta that we were pregnant with Willow, then yesterday Rye was born. But I know one thing. I am so thankful to have them. The reason I waited four years to have kids is to make sure they would be safe from the Capitol and the Hunger Games. And I have no doubt that they are.
President Snow is dead, his family is dead, and the Capitol has learned to live equally with the districts. Peeta, me, and our family are safe deep in the meadow.

Once I have the milk ready, I feed Rye. He stops crying finally and drinks hungrily.

Peeta is airplane feeding Willow her macaroni and making buzzing sounds. I smile at the sight.

When the kids finish eating and Peeta and I grab something to eat also, I see the white-chocolate cake decorated with blue flowers that Peeta made yesterday sit on the counter, too pretty to eat. I slice a piece, and sit on the couch.

"Weeee!" Willow shouts as Peeta and her play patty-cake. Rye sits happily in his play pin, rattling his rattle.

Willow comes over to me and climbs on my lap. I set my plate down as she gets situated.

"Mommy?" She asks.
"When is Adam coming over?" Adam is Gale and Jena's 2 year old son. They met after the rebellion in district 2 when Gale was mad at me and left. I forgave him though, and we met up a few months ago and went hunting. I'm kind of glad to have him back as my friend.

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