|28| plans

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I watch in disbelief as West stands there on our screen. Most likely everyone in the districts are watching this and are as confused as us.

"He's alive." Selena states talking to herself. A sense of worry in her voice.
"I should of stayed. I should of helped. Oden. Oden is in there. I never got to tell him how I felt. What have I done? I should of stayed." She murmurs to herself.

Before I can say something to calm her, West starts to talk as if he was giving us sometime to compute that he survived.

"Hello districts! And hello Mellarks and Masons." He starts. An odd grin plastered on his face. Maybe out of satisfaction that he is living, or out of frustration that we escaped, or both.
"Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, and Selena. You made a huge mistake when you escaped. I knew you were planning something. I knew it but didn't know how you would pull it off. But now I do. You got help from the Capitol Alliance. Apparently nearly every single CA member was working for me. But there isn't any need to worry about it anymore because I took care of every single one of them. Well, except for Selena. But I don't care about her. She will die with the Mallarks and Mason's." West says as if talking to us about the simplest thing on earth.
"Pay close attention to what I'm about to say next." He smiles again.
"I have come up with a resolution! Originally I wanted to recreate the hunger games. I wanted to kill the rebellious people like Katniss for killing my father and daughter Celestia, then start the hunger games again using the districts like my beloved father President Snow did, but I have found that I can't do that. When Katniss escaped I realized that there was a better way to deal with things.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm still going to punish the districts and kill Katniss and her friends, but it's not going to be through the games. So, since I failed to kill Katniss in my possession I will go to plan B." He sneers. Selena gasps.

"Oh no. Not plan B." She says. West must of told his workers about it.
West starts talking again.
"The people in the districts are all a threat to me. Everyone, except for my lovely Capitol citizens, are rebellious. So I still need to punish all of you even though I canceled the recreation of the games. I've decided to go with a simpler but more deadly term. Death." He says.
"I'm going to release my mutt army. Now, you guys all know how my mutts all hate me, but it doesn't matter. I can control them. With me alive, they will be my soldiers even if they hate me with all their heart, which they do. So I will release them on you people in the districts. You can thank Katniss, her family, and Johanna for it. They will kill every single one of you they cross paths with until they find Katniss and her friends. They will kill all of you. There is no place to hide. Then, when their mission is complete and every one of you guys in the districts are dead, I will rule Panem with my loyal Capitol citizens and mutt army. We will do fine with just us and soon create an all new Panem under my rule. That is the plan.
Now, you may be wondering what I'm planning to do to the Capitol alliance since I have them captured now. Well I'll tell you! After I release the mutts exactly one day from now and they kill everyone in their path except the Capitol, I will torture the Capitol alliance until they die. They will be punished until every one of them is lifeless." He points the camera to the cells and I see the cells are filled with the around 100 Capitol alliance members that worked for him. Oden is in the nearest cell. He sits on the floor with the back of his head against the bars. I recognize him only by his curly blonde hair. Selena and I gasp at the same time.
When he turns the camera back to himself and the mutt army, I see Will and Kennedy join him. Everyone of them survived. My heart crushes.
"So now you know my plan. There isn't any need to get prepared because you can't outrun my army. They will kill you and won't stop unless you all are dead. I will get my revenge and kill everyone. I will restart Panem with MY people. No one else will live except for the Capitol." Then, all the sudden, the screen turns black again and all is quiet. I see that Selena is crying. It must be because of Oden.

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