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I sit in the corner of my cell shaking. After Peeta's message, West sent me back to my cell.

Peeta told the Capitol that he would give himself and his children to them, if the districts and I were safe from harm.

How can he even think of such a thing? That is exactly what West wants. To kill my children.

Surely it's an escape plan. He wouldn't give our children away to their death. He would do anything for me, but he would also do anything for our children. For Panem, even! What is he thinking?

I can only hope that this is a plan to help me escape. Peeta would NEVER intentionally put anyone in danger. Especially Willow and Rye.

Oh please Peeta, please. Let this be an escape plan, not an exchange for my safety. I would rather be here and tortured, then being at home and knowing you and my kids are here and being tortured.

I hear the sound of a food tray hitting the ground and I look up to see a guard plopping a tray on the floor of my cell. A small bowl of apple sauce sits intact. With a..... a.... Cheese bun that sits beside it. The cheese is melted on top and it's just like the ones Peeta makes.

With that, I break into tears. I don't even know what to do anymore. What is Peeta thinking? All I can do it trust that he has this under control.
He asked me before we left on our investigation if I trusted him, real or not real. I answered real. And my answer should stay real. It should always be real.

Wiping a tear off my cheek, I exhale and pick up the tray. Hungrily I look over the little portion of food. West only feeds me a little, so I might as well eat what he gives me.
After I finish the apple sauce, I scoff down the cheese bun sorrowfully. It tastes like cardboard compared to Peeta's.

"Enjoying the little gift from our cook?!" West shouts to me from the entrance of the elevator. The door slides closed behind him, and although he's far away, his voice slices through the noise of workers.

He walks my direction and I stand up, pushing the food tray out of my way with my foot.
"I told the cook to try and replicate the cheese bun that was sent to the arena on the 74th games. Sadly she isn't the best chef, but I think it worked." He says when arriving outside the bars. I walk up to him so we are eye to eye even though he is 5 inches taller than me. I glare angrily into his silver-like eyes. They match his suit.

"You aren't getting my kids." I say sternly through my gritted teeth. West smiles mockingly down at me.

"Well, I guess Peeta thinks opposite." He whispers. My face heats up in anger and I fold my hands into fists.
"Actually, that's why I came to you. I have some information that I think you should know." He tells me. The anger in me about overflows, but I try to control myself.
"We tracked the message send from your husband. It turns out it really is from him, and what he promises is true." West calmly states.

"Why are you so sure?" I ask squeezing the thin fabric of my shirt so I don't lose it.

"If it wasn't, would he of gave us his location?" He says smiling. I boil over.

"Your lying! There is no way he gave you his location! Nonetheless the location of my kids!" I yell causing a worker nearby to drop a tray of syringes. I notice many of the workers watching us. I can't read their expressions.

"Oh, but he did. And he even sent us another message. He said that if we went to pick him and his children up instead of him flying over to the mansion himself, we could pick them up tomorrow." West snickers. I gasp.

Peeta wouldn't do that. But he would do anything for me. Is this real? Not real? I don't know what to think. Oh please be an escape plan. Please Peeta. Please be a plan.

West realizes that I broke the eye contact but he keeps staring at me.
"Well, get some sleep. Tomorrow you can go home! Granted you will be alone because Peeta and your kids will be here, but look on the bright side. You and your country will be safe!" He cheers rocking back on his heals still smiling. I've never hated him more. I don't want to be alone. I want my family.

West starts to walk off.
"Wait! West!" I yell, accidentally kicking the food tray again. He turns with his eyebrows raised.

"Where are you picking up Peeta and my kids?" I ask hoping that it isn't actually where my house is. This is how I can determine if this is real or not.

"If your doubting that Peeta didn't actually give me his location, he did." West answers turning back around and walking again.

I yell again,
"If he did, then you would know where your going to pick them up. So where did he say he was?" I ask, my hands are still clenched in fists.

"I don't see how that pertains to you, but I guess it won't hurt anything if I tell you where your house is. Because he gave me the location of your house." West answers getting irritated.

"Ok, then where is my house that he said for you to pick them up at?" I ask again. Gritting my teeth. Hoping on hope it isn't where our house actually is.

"Obviously where you live, meadow-lark district 11." He answers. And with that he walks away in the training room.

Meadow-lark district 11 is a district 11 meadow, where lots of retired farmers in district 11 decide to live since they can't work anymore.

That can only mean that Peeta gave him a false address. Which means this is an escape plan. He's going to try to rescue me while West is gone to "pick him up".

And the best part is that West believes that the location is real.

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