|30| let the second rebellion begin

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"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." Selena says under her breath.
"It has to send. Why won't it send!" She yells. Pollux emerges from the cockpit and joins us confused. Peeta turns to him to explain.
"The signal to tell the districts to board the trains won't send." He tells him. Pollux raises his eyebrows concerned. He looks like he's thinking.

Selena presses the same button over and over again but it only results in a quick flash of the white light before turning off.
"I don't know! If it doesn't send soon the districts will be killed off without knowing to leave!" She yells. The mutts are defiantly at a district by now. It's been 7 minuets since we were supposed to send it. Citizens are probably already being killed.

Pollux raises a finger up like he has an idea.

"Do you have a way to send it?!" I ask excitedly. Pollux makes a face that looks like it would mean "maybe," then he takes a step closer to the screen and takes a look at the cords and connections. Then he presses the button Selena was pressing over and over. The white light just blinks like it has been. Pollux scratches his head and takes a step back to get a good look at the system.
Selena is pacing back and forth behind us murmuring nervously.

I watch as Pollux unplugs a few things and plugs different cords in its place. He switches wires around and flips switches on. I guess when you are a pilot, you have to know your ship.
When he looks finished, he presses the button again and it beeps. The white light beams on, and the screen turns white before Selena's video clip pops up in front of us on the screen.
"Attention districts! It's time to board the tribute trains! Repeat, make your way to your local justice building, and board the tribute trains! Take everyone with you and ride to the Capitol! Thankyou!" Then the clip turns off.

Selena gasps.
"It sent!" She beams happily.

I let out a relived breath I didn't know I was holding, and reach over to hug Pollux.

We fly to the district 12 Justice building where the rest of our friends and the district 12 citizens have already gathered. Pollux parks the hover a few yards away from the hurried crowd and we run to find our friends.

Children are holding hands with their parents and adults are helping the elderly get to the front of the crowd. Peeta, Selena, and I rush through to the front of the people. Pollux decided to stay behind in his hover. I'm guessing he wanted to go back and stay with Haymitch, Effie, and the kids.

Just as we reach the front of the crowd, the tribute train doors slide open allowing people to enter. Crowds of citizens start to board the train, none of which are our friends.

More and more people pile in, spreading throughout the train carts as we watch. I guarantee everyone will fit in there, with extra room to spare. It makes me sick that these trains were made for two hunger games tributes, when everyone in district twelve can easily fit in it.

"There!" Peeta yells pointing to the side of the crowd. It's hard to hear him with everyone around us talking. I see Annie's red hair with Gale and Jena standing beside her, where Peeta is pointing. All four of our friends stand there watching the citizens get on the train.

"Let's go!" He declares rushing through the bustling crowd to the where our friends stand. We join them finally.

"There you guys are!" Johanna yells over the noise.
"It's about time you sent that signal! We were starting to get a little worried! But we knew it had been sent when loads of district 12 citizens started gathering here!" She yells.

We come to a stop right in front of them, and I sigh.
"There were some technical difficulties! Luckily Pollux was here to help us out!" She shouts back to answer, nodding toward the hover. But I know there isn't time to explain everything right now. After all, it's too loud to talk at this moment, and we have to get on the train and to the Capitol as soon as possible. Once we get to the Capitol we immediately need to start breaking citizens into groups and get the rebellion started. Things will start to go down hill fast if we waste anymore time. We are already behind schedule enough.

As if Peeta read my mind, he says,
"We can't explain now, we just have to get on that train and get to the Capitol." He orders. Everyone seems to agree at once and we get to the back of the crowd and board the train when everyone else is on, and the area is clear of people.

The doors slide shut enclosing us when we step on, and immediately shoots off heading to the Capitol. It seem like it's going twenty times faster than the last time I rode it. I'm glad too, because it usually takes days to arrive. But at this speed we should get there within a few hours.

On our way, we sit at a table in an open meeting area with a few other people that I don't recognize around us. I explain the whole story of us not being able to send the message to the four of our friends that weren't there, and then we discuss how we are going to divide up the citizens to fight the rebellion.
We decided on districts 1-6 to attack the mutts from behind, with Johanna and Annie as their leader.
Districts 7-12 will kill Capitol citizens without the mockingjay coin with Gale and Jena as their leader.
And me, Peeta, and Selena will break into the Mansion and release the CA and kill West. If we succeed in killing West, the mutts will stop being controlled by him, and then stop killing. The death will be over as long as we kill West. The faster the better.

We decided on only three of us going in after West and the Capitol Alliance because it will be easier to go unnoticed, and it shouldn't be that hard to unlock a few cell doors and kill West, Will, and Kennedy.

For the rest of the ride, we sit in silence. The train picks up speed about a half hour into the ride and goes even faster. I'm glad too. All this waiting is killing me. I just want to get this over with and get there faster.

Another hour passes. Then a half hour. Me and Gale talk for a little bit but the conversation dies easily. The memories of the last rebellion flood my mind once again. How Gale and I fought together, and he got captured. He mouthed for me to kill him but I failed. Then, how Peeta was a mutt. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to shove those memories away. But I know that they will never leave me.

After one more hour of terrible waiting, we finally arrive at the Capitol. We must of been going extremely fast to arrive at the Capitol in just four and a half hours compared to the few days it took us to get here years back.

Selena stands up first when the train comes to a full stop. We make our way briskly to a pair of the sliding doors and as they slide open the hordes of people exit the train carts without having to be told. We let them out first, and follow when the majority of the citizens are out. Once we are out, I see that other districts have already arrived and gathered to the side of the huge mansion. They are off to the side and out of the view range of the front of the mansion.

All seven of us half jog half run to where the gigantic, huge, enormous crowd has gathered and made our way to the front of them. So far the districts haven't noticed us here yet. They just chatter amongst each other nervously.

We stand together in front of the huge crowd. They talk quietly and I can feel the nervous tension in the air.

I lean over to Selena,
"We have to get this started. West is bound to notice us if we stand around like this." I tell her. She nods. I let out a breath and prepare to gather their attention.

Let the second rebellion begin.

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