|5| Wolf mutts

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When the two guards lead Janson into torture room #2, Janson didn't as much fight back. He did as he was told with an angry grimace on his face and slumped shoulders.

I can tell he doesn't want to be a mutt, but he has no choice. He wants to serve his master now, even if it isn't what he actually wants to do.

When the door closes to torture room #2 and the torture gym is empty again, Peeta and I dash across the gym as if thinking the same thing.

We have to get more information. The more, the better.

As quietly as possible, we stop in front of the torture room #2 door and place our ears against it to see if we can hear talking. Peeta takes shaky breaths and every once and a while he whispers something to himself. We have to get info then hurry out as fast as possible without being spotted. Especially by West. I want to get Peeta out as fast as possible, but we can't waste a perfect moment to get more information.

So before we make a run for it, we must find out additional information like how many mutts there are exactly and who we are up against and how powerful they are. We know that West is in charge but we don't know how powerful he is. Well, I guess you have to be a pretty powerful person to raise a mutt army. We also know that there are mutts, so I guess what's next is knowing how many there are. West said a hundred but that's just an average.

To my surprise I can actually hear head thaumaturge West shouting directions across the room from behind this door. He seems to be the only one talking.

I can't make out what he's saying and just when I turn to ask Peeta if he can hear, the door handle twists.
Peeta's eyes widen as he takes a sharp intake of air and we slam ourselves against the wall next to the door right before it swings open. I can only hope we are out of sight.

West stops yelling for a second to stand in the doorway facing inwards towards the mutts in the room that I haven't seen yet. I've only gotten to see Janson and I have a feeling I don't want to see anymore.

West continues yelling when he's standing in the doorway but sense the door is open it's a lot louder and we can hear clearly sense he's literally a few feet away.
Peeta shakes nervously being so close to a torturer like West. And I notice my hands shaking as well.
"Now that we have our complete wolf mutation army, we are prepared to train! Let me remind you that our first priority is to retrieve Katniss Everdeen! If we get her or she turns herself in to us, we will not rebel against the districts. But we will kill off who or what ever in the districts until she brings herself to us if not right away." Continues West from inside of the room. I squirm when he says my name. Obviously he wants me just to execute. But would he really go as far as killing whatever lies in his path. Even innocent people just to get me? Yes he would. He is just like president Snow. Just as bad.

"So without further ado, lets train." West yells turning toward the gym and marching from the doorway. He doesn't caste a glance our way, thankfully. I press my back against the wall along with Peeta and smash my spine as close as possible so they don't see us beside the open door.

West walks swiftly away through the passageway between the two middle cells toward another door exactly opposite of the gym from this door. It's close to the elevator and he walks swiftly to it with his silver suit flailing behind him. When he arrives he swings open the door and enters without stopping. He's determined, I'll give him that.

A few mutations all wearing a golden suit like the guards walk in his trail, followed by more and more in a line. Every single one wears the same golden shiny suit as the guards. All of them have a frown with fur on their arms and fur-like brown hair atop their heads. By their features, I can tell which one is male and female. And each individual has something from their past body. Like the one female mutt has a mole on her cheek and small feet. And the male behind her has his one ear pierced with a gage. So at least they still kind of have something from their former self.

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