|2| investigation

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Peeta has put the kids to bed. I stay on the couch, trying to take in what just happened.

The Capitol.... Is rebelling?
They will attack the districts with that...... Mutts army if I don't turn myself in to them. And if I do, they will assassinate me. Or use some kind of toucher method like Snow did to Peeta. But what if they lied about the mutts in the picture. What if they aren't real and the Capitol is just full of angry people, not killer beasts. The districts could easily take out the Capitol if we wanted to. As long as it was just people.

But the one mutt was holding President Paylor! Dead! How in the world could of that been fake. She was slumped over on its shoulder. The blood all over her lifeless body.

"Kat." I hear Peeta say walking toward me from the hallway.
I wipe the tear away that escaped my eye.

"Peeta." I answer as he settles beside me, and wraps his arm around me.
"I-I don't know Peeta. I thought we were safe. We shouldn't of brought Willow and Rye to this world Peeta. The Capitol they-"

Peeta interrupts.
"Katniss. We are safe. How do you know we aren't. The Capitol is known for playing tricks, what if they are just trying to scare us. We can't jump to conclusions." He consoles.

"How could that be a trick. Paylor was DEAD Peeta! And the Capitol citizens don't have access to the technology in the mansion. It's impossible to fake that in the picture. That means the mutts were real too. Peeta, the Capitol wants me. But...... I-I......... I don't know. Your right though. We should make sure those mutts were real Before anyone goes there." I say.
"But if the Capitol citizens really did killed Paylor, they defiantly took over the mansion. They would have access to the technology. That means we don't know if Paylor is dead, and if the mutts are real." I sigh.

"It doesn't matter. If they really killed Paylor. Or if they really created mutts. Or both. It's still a threat. We should defiantly go see if the Capitol is really threatening before even thinking about sending over they want." Peeta says. And I know what they want. They want me. To kill.

"So... We both think that we should check if it's real or not." I almost whisper.

"Defiantly." He replies.
"And I'm going to do it." He declares.

"No." I answer almost instantly.
"Peeta, if the Capitol citizens see you, they will recognize you as being in relation to me. The Capitol wants me, so they will either kill you, or use you to lure me in to execute both of us. If anyone is going it's me. If they see me and capture me, they will think that I came to give myself up anyways and kill me just as they planned all along, not hurting anyone else. I will go." I state, standing up.

"Katniss, no." Peeta complains standing with me.
"If you go I am too."

"Our kids." I say.
"They need someone if I can't make it back."

"If you go, I am too!" Peeta yells. It's the first in a long time he has gotten fired up. And it's to protect me.

I start to tear up again.
"Please, just let me do this to make sure the Capitol isn't a threat. If they are or aren't, I promise I will come back before we make any decisions. But listen to me. Our kids need someone. I'm the person who should go, not anyone else. I can handle it." More tears spill out.

"What if they capture you?" Peeta exclaims, trying to hold in his tears.

"I..... I guess that means that the Capitol won't attack the districts. I'm willing to sacrifice myself to save the districts if Paylor is dead, and the mutts are real. But trust me. If I don't die, I'll come back before making a decision. I promise." I hug him.

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