The hospital

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"Please pull through"

I held his hand tightly and listening the the sound of the beeping machine of his heart, I felt crushed one minuet were up at 4am-

That's it

He must have been so tired he wasn't thinking!

This is all my fault, if he dies I'll never forgive myself

Why was I so selfish.

Tears began to poor down my face.

"Nico! Is he ok?" Mac burst through the door, I didn't care what was going on between them right now I was just glad he's here.

"He may not ,m-make it" I finally got out

He too now began to cry and he pulled me and cried into my shoulder

"Why have I been such a terrible father to him?" He says through his tears.

"None do that matters right now mac"

"I'm going to check on Emmy, I'll be back later, I promise" I kissed my sleeping boyfriends head and wiped the tears from under my eyes, I walked out the room trying to be as strong as I could. For Emmys sake

"Nico!" Peri has been here a long time looking after my daughter, she quickly noticed me and ran over

"Is he ok?" She asked me handing me the baby

"N-no" I cried, peri pulled me in and I looked at my tiered baby.

"Can she stay at yours tonight?" I asked her

"Of corse"

"Thank you"

"Anytime" she patted my shoulder and took my baby back of me.

"See you later" she put my daughter in the pram and walked out

Pull yourself together nico I told myself before the waterworks started again. I made my way to alfies room Mac was stood with his hands over his mouth being held back by nurses, what was happening? I quickened my pace and went to Mac but he didn't need to explain

The sound of beeping

I looked through the window and saw the doctors performing CPR on Alfie who was quickly deteriorating.

"M-Mac what's happening?!" I cried thudding his shoulders.

"His heart has stopped beating" he looked at me, us both in tears

"I can't loose another boyfriend. Emmy can't loose her dad!" I pointed to Alfie

"You won't he'll pull through" he didn't sound convinced

The doctors had stopped, he had regained a normal beating heart. Thank god

But one came over looking concerned

"Nico Blake?" She asked me

"Y-yes is he-he ok?" I asked shaking it off

"Well, we think he'll pull through-" she began "but we have found something"

"What kind of something?" I asked this can't be good

"Alfie, Alfie has cancer" she looked down at her toes

My life can't get any worse, this can't be happening right now!

"W-what?" Mac asked as he hugged me

I blanked out at the rest, my mind wasn't thinking straight. First he gets hit that was bad enough but now he may be dying from cancer?

"I-I can't do this" I said through my tears

"I can't tell him he has cancer and may not live to see his daughters 1st birthday, take her first steps-" I looked him in the eyes "the first-the first time she calls him daddy" I was now making a puddle of my tears onto the floor

"Nico were going to have t be brave"  Mac looked over at his son

How can he be so calm his son is dying in there?

"I'm sorry"

By now we were able to go back in, it was a waiting game for him to wake up.

"Stay strong, I'll be outside"Mac told me


"Ni?" I felt a shaking on my arm, I opened my eyes

"Alfie!" I threw my arms around him, but now was the hard part

"Alfie this is really hard for me to say-" Alfie sat up as I took a deep breath

"Alfie your cancers back"

His face dropped, be began to cry

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