The exam

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It's been just under a week since the wedding and Ben and mum have gone on their honeymoon. Shame I can't go, but I'm with Alfie And Peri offers to come over every so often. That's when she can get off not looking after her baby.

"Nico we have school wake up" Alfie was up and dressed and ready for the day.

"Ergh." I pulled my pillow over my face but alfie had pulled it off me

"Alfie I really can't be bothered."

"Nico come on"

"Babe, I'm 21 weeks pregnant do you really see me fitting into that uniform" I groaned

"Nico we have exams today."

"I can do them another time"

"Nope your mum gave me orders that you need to follow" Alfie showed me a list

I got out of bed and stared at my growing bump, Alfie sat down and smiled lightly. I could see he was remembering that we were having a baby in a couple of months.

I dressed into my uniform but things weren't fitting well, soon I'd have to finish school so I could take care of the baby but I'm in my last year so I'd be finishing anyway.
That didn't bother me though, what did was the fact i missing prom, which is in 2 weeks.

"Nico, have you reconsidered prom" Alfie asked me as we approached the gates

"No, I'd have to go in sweatpants and ruin it for you all"

"Nico you couldn't ruin it"

"No I think I'll stay" I said disappointed

"Good luck" Alfie kissed me on the check before heading to his exam room, him and peri had sure names that we're lowered down then me and tom so we were all in different places

"A-k in the school hall." Mrs st Claire starts "l-z in the gym"

Me and tom made our way to the hall, this exam was life changing

"Good luck." I say to tom as I took my seat I front of him

"You too" he said back

Maths was the first one, I hate Maths, I'm awful at it. I found myself stuck on one question and kicks from the baby were distracting me. This isn't going well, these kicks were much stronger and fierce. It. Wasn't normal. The teacher ran over when she saw the look on my face.

"Nico are you ok?" She asked me

"It's hurting" I pointed my belly out and she let me leave the room.

"Right come on" she hurried me out, but i started to feel dizzy and worried. I made it a couple of steps before collapsing

"Nico!" Tom ran over I didn't hear him but he was there.

I was unconscious and in the ambulance with no one, Tom wasn't allowed in unless he was the father. Alfie remained in his exam.

My eyes started to flicker, I could feel a hand holding mine, I opened my eyes to see mum, who'd just arrived back from holiday.

"Mum" I gasped.

"Nico your awake! Thank goodness," my mum started at worried

"Emmy...  Is she ok?" I look down at my now still bump

"We think so, we need to take you for some tests" Celine walked in

"What-what happened where's Alfie?" I sat up and stared around the room.

"Alfie, he's in his exam still he doesn't know" mum said as she helped me into my wheelchair

"I want him here , please"

"Nico it's almost over"

"The sooner we go the better chance if the baby's ready she'll have of survival" Celine started to wheel me out.

"Nico!" Alfie ran through the door

"What happened!? Tom told me you collapsed, is Emmy ok?"

"That's what we're about to find out" I say hopefully

I was wheeled into the maternity ward and into the scan room. I lay on the bed/table thing and the same process started. (I forgot to mention that the corse of my collapse was very high blood levels) we were greeted by doctor Warrington and now we'd started. It took longer then usual to find the heartbeat. I held hold of Alfie and mums hands tight. "No please no" I say to myself as I heard Alfie do the same..

Thud, thud thud thud Emmy was fighting strong. Thank the lords. I shed a tear that she was ok.

"It's ok she's still going strong" doctor Warrington says happily.

"Thank goodness" Alfie finally said.

"We're keeping you I'm for the night just for observation is that ok?"


"I'll get you some things?" Alfie asked when we made our way back to the hospital room.


"The usual?" Alfie joked on his way out

My phone vibrated and I saw I'd had a load of notifications,

Peri- 13 messages

Tom-6 messages

Ben-7 messages

Alfie-2 messages 3 missed calls

I must have worried them all so I started to reply, peri is my best friend I forgot to text her when I woke up, hopefully mum would have kept Ben updated.

Alfie returned 20 minuets later with a small bag with things from home. Everything was ok, I'm so thankful Emmy didn't die

Please leave feedback on my story xx

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